Friday, February 29, 2008

Can Braces Get Through Airport

Cyanobacteria and fecal contamination on beaches

In 1999, Huntington Beach in California had to be closed due to fecal contamination problem. Immediately there was a series of surveys to determine the source of pollution. This home was in the Santa Ana River water around the river waters, embracing an urban area, a power plant and a reclaimed marsh as a bird sanctuary (Talbert Marsh). Below is a map indicating contaminated water pipes to the river and the sampling stations (numbered circles).

In urban areas of the United States, the storm water network is separated from the network of black water (sewage). Additionally, the sewage is treated before being discharged into the Santa Ana River

The results of microbial contamination of the samples were as follows (numbers in CFU per 100 milliliters).

addition, a sampling of fecal microorganisms over several days at station 4 and it was found that:

Microbiologists postulated a hypothesis about the origin but this hypothesis did not convince the city council. It was decided to conduct a more comprehensive series of samples and after they were unable to determine exactly where the pollution occurred. It was found that the initial hypothesis was that by microbiologists correct.

Where contamination originated?

What data supports this conclusion?

Why is an oscillating pattern in station number 4?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Diy Claw Foot Shower Rod

In the pictures above you can see a special transgenic plant. Arabidopsis belongs to the genus and is designed to act as a biosensor. It is produced by a Danish company for a very special purpose.

Normally the plant is green. But if the soil is the NO molecule 2, then the plant changes color. The NO molecule 2 is absorbed by the plant, and once inside, this molecule activates the synthesis of a red pigment.

The Davos Forum held in January 2007 called this pioneering and promising technology. The tests of this plant in Croatia and Serbia were quite successful and are planning to use in Africa. However, there is also criticism. One is that are transgenic plants and be released into the wild. The other is that according to the HALO Trust, is not a good biosensor, for if there is NO release 2, the plant is not dark.


  1. What bacteria is used to obtain the transgenic plant? What
  2. of genes have been introduced for this red pigment?
  3. Why is using this plant?