On Monday 30 August, on the first day of arguments in the trial for crimes Atletico Bank and Olympus. It is the exposure of one of the complainants, in the context of the cause for the disappearance of Carlos and Lucila Fassano Révora
The Federal Court No. 2 of the Federal Capital was launched on Monday the hearing of arguments in the trial for crimes against humanity committed in secret detention centers that worked on the "Athletic", "Bank" and "Olympus ", all under the jurisdiction of the First Army Corps.
At the hearing, representatives of Eduardo De Pedro, one of the lawsuits, called for life imprisonment and disqualification in the establishment of the Federal Prison Service, or p the crime of genocide, for defendants Carlos Alberto Roque Tepedino - Intelligence Battalion Chief 601 - Mario Alberto Gómez Arenas-deputy chief of the Central Intelligence Battalion Meeting 601 - Enrique Jose Del Pino-captain of the Argentine Army, and Juan Carlos Avena-official (R) of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
De Pedro is the complainant in the case "Tepedino. Here we investigate the fact that would have happened on 11 October 1978, when personnel of the Central Intelligence Battalion Meeting 601, in support of the First Army Corps, have implemented a procedure in which there would have been the murder of Carlos Guillermo Fassano and Adela Révora Lucila De Pedro (eight months pregnant at the time of the event). The address is was the complainant when he was younger, who had been abducted by the forces involved and devoted to his family only on January 13, 1979.
De Pedro representatives requested that if the court considers that the figure is not applicable genocide, called for the murder conviction was qualified by treachery, and Tepedino and Gomez Arenas also condemn them by subtracting younger. Also required are available down in the Army and the Federal Prison Service, as appropriate, of the four defendants.
In the other case that integrates the trial are charged Samuel Miara-deputy (R) of the PFA-, Julio Héctor Simón-official (R) of the PFA-Raul Antonio Guglielminetti-former civilian intelligence agent of the Argentine Army, "Raul Gonzalez, Commissioner (R) of the PFA-Jorge Uballes Eufemio "Deputy Commissioner (R) of the PFA, Eduardo Emilio Kalinec-curator (R) of the PFA-official Roberto Antonio Rosa (R) of the PFA, Juan Carlos Falcón-major (R) of the PFA, Luis Juan Donocik - Commissioner (R) of the PFA, Isidoro Augusto Oscar Rolon-official (R) of the PFA, Victor Guillermo Cardozo-first-lieutenant of the National Guard, Eugene Apestegui Pereyra-first lieutenant in the National Guard, "Juan Carlos Avena-official (R ) Federal Prison Service, Ricardo Taddei-principal of the PFA, and José Enrique Del Pino-captain of the Argentine Army.
The Federal Court No. 2 of the Federal Capital was launched on Monday the hearing of arguments in the trial for crimes against humanity committed in secret detention centers that worked on the "Athletic", "Bank" and "Olympus ", all under the jurisdiction of the First Army Corps.
At the hearing, representatives of Eduardo De Pedro, one of the lawsuits, called for life imprisonment and disqualification in the establishment of the Federal Prison Service, or p the crime of genocide, for defendants Carlos Alberto Roque Tepedino - Intelligence Battalion Chief 601 - Mario Alberto Gómez Arenas-deputy chief of the Central Intelligence Battalion Meeting 601 - Enrique Jose Del Pino-captain of the Argentine Army, and Juan Carlos Avena-official (R) of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
De Pedro is the complainant in the case "Tepedino. Here we investigate the fact that would have happened on 11 October 1978, when personnel of the Central Intelligence Battalion Meeting 601, in support of the First Army Corps, have implemented a procedure in which there would have been the murder of Carlos Guillermo Fassano and Adela Révora Lucila De Pedro (eight months pregnant at the time of the event). The address is was the complainant when he was younger, who had been abducted by the forces involved and devoted to his family only on January 13, 1979.
De Pedro representatives requested that if the court considers that the figure is not applicable genocide, called for the murder conviction was qualified by treachery, and Tepedino and Gomez Arenas also condemn them by subtracting younger. Also required are available down in the Army and the Federal Prison Service, as appropriate, of the four defendants.
In the other case that integrates the trial are charged Samuel Miara-deputy (R) of the PFA-, Julio Héctor Simón-official (R) of the PFA-Raul Antonio Guglielminetti-former civilian intelligence agent of the Argentine Army, "Raul Gonzalez, Commissioner (R) of the PFA-Jorge Uballes Eufemio "Deputy Commissioner (R) of the PFA, Eduardo Emilio Kalinec-curator (R) of the PFA-official Roberto Antonio Rosa (R) of the PFA, Juan Carlos Falcón-major (R) of the PFA, Luis Juan Donocik - Commissioner (R) of the PFA, Isidoro Augusto Oscar Rolon-official (R) of the PFA, Victor Guillermo Cardozo-first-lieutenant of the National Guard, Eugene Apestegui Pereyra-first lieutenant in the National Guard, "Juan Carlos Avena-official (R ) Federal Prison Service, Ricardo Taddei-principal of the PFA, and José Enrique Del Pino-captain of the Argentine Army.