A spill of a compound X in soil. This product percolates to deeper layers and anaerobic conditions. Through a series of tastings is observed as the compound is disappearing and turning into other products due to the action of microorganisms in the soil. We also analyzed other compounds present in the soil, such as sulfates and carbonates. Below is a graph with those compounds that have been analyzed over time.

1 - What type of microorganisms degrade the compound X in the first three weeks? Explain why you think it's that kind of microorganisms. Name some kind.
2 - What kind or type of microorganisms appears from the third week? Explain why you think it's the genre or type.
3 - Why is the sulfate concentration curve is biphasic?
(Note: This issue was included in the 2 nd part of the subject of ongoing Environmental Microbiology 2008-9 as to allow a wider range of responses was not defined whether the compound X was organic or inorganic)