Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hunter Wellingtons Ontario Canada

Aspergillus niger and citrate

The following issues are a topic of library research. Not a practical problem in itself.
In 1915, Italy decided to enter the First World War. Involvement in the conflict meant that a large part of the agricultural labor force available to be consumed on the front lines. One of the many consequences was that the citrus crop was spoiled in full, which caused a drop in industrial production of citric acid. And citric acid is one of the essential compounds of the modern chemical industry. So all the world's scientists went looking for an alternative source of these molecules.
was the American chemist James Currie who won the award in 1917. Discovered that the mold Aspergillus niger secreted large amounts of citric acid when grown in certain conditions.
- What was so special about these conditions?
- What advantage will Citric acid is secreted to mold Aspergillus niger ?
- Why are there so few creatures that can take advantage of citric acid as a carbon source?


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