Thursday, January 14, 2010

Diy Spinbrush Battery Removal

Athletic Club Newsletter 626

Press Release


TOMORROW : Friday 15 January at 9.00


Evidentiary hearings will continue tomorrow in the trial for crimes committed in the clandestine detention centers known as Atletico, The Bank and The Olympian. The hearing will begin at 9 am ..
call on all partners and colleagues to attend the trial to require the condemnation of all genocides. To be accredited, must be present with ID to the sixth floor of the Courts of Comodoro Py. (TOF 2)

the genocidal
1 - Samuel Miara, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Cobani."
2 - Isidro Augusto Oscar Rolon, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Soler."
3. Julio Héctor Simón, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Turco Julián".
4 - Raul Gonzalez, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Mayor Raul" or "Black."
5 - Juan Carlos Avena, Federal Penitentiary Service, aka "Rye."
6 - Jorge Uballes Eufemio, Argentina Federal Police, alias "Quiroga little glasses" or "Fuehrer."
7 - Eduardo Emilio Kalinec, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Dr. K ".
8 - Roberto Antonio Rosa, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Clavel".
9 - Juan Carlos Falcon, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Kung Fu".
10 - Juan Luis Donocik, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Polish Boy."
11 - Víctor Guillermo Cardozo, National Gendarmerie, aka "Cortez."
12 - Eugenio Apestegui Pereyra, Argentina National Gendarmerie, alias "Quintana."
13 - Raul Antonio Guglielminetti, a former civilian intelligence agent of the Argentine Army, alias "Gustavino" or "Mayor Gustavino."
14 - Ricardo Taddei, Argentina Federal Police, aka "Priest" or "Father."
15 - Enrique Jose Del Pino, captain of the Argentine Army Intelligence Battalion 601, alias "Michael."
16 - Carlos Alberto Roque Tepedino, Head of Intelligence Battalion 601 of the Argentine Army.
17 - Mario Alberto Arenas Gomez, head of the Second Meeting of the Central Intelligence Battalion 601.

The Oral Criminal Court Federal No. 2 will be in charge of this trial judges composed of Dr. Jorge Alberto Tassara (Chief Justice), Dr. Ana Maria D ' Alessio, Dr. Maria Laura Garrigues Rebori, and Dr. Maria del Carmen Roqueta (4 ° judge).

In this trial will deal with crimes committed against fellow 184. For the murder of two of them and illegal deprivation of liberty of a juvenile is deemed to four repressors, for the unlawful deprivation of freedom and torture of 181 colleagues, is charged with fifteen.

condemns all genocides. Justice for all your comrades!

Press Contacts:
AEDD - Dr. Elea Peliche: 1554287881
APEL - Dr. Claudia Ferrero: 1556045905
CODESEDH - Dr. Liliana Molinari: 1551766480 ar
Justice NOW Buenos Aires

Justice NOW! Buenos Aires is composed Anahí Association, Left Labour Lawyers (ALI), Association of Former gone Disappeared, Association of Professional Wrestling (APEL), Center of Lawyers for Human Rights (CADHU) Professional Center for the Rights Human (CeProDH), Commission of Homage to the Martyrs and Disappeared People, Legal Action Committee (CAJ) Defense Committee of the Ethics, Health and Human Rights (CODESEDH) Human Rights Commission of Uruguay in Argentina; Commission HR of the Communist Party by the Human Rights Commission of Trenque Lauquen; Coordinator against Police and Institutional Repression (CORREPI); Foundation Legal Defence Research and Argentina (Fidel); CHILDREN West Regional, Institute of Ecumenical; Liberpueblo; Liga Argentina for Human Rights (LADH) San Cristóbal Neighbours Against Impunity.


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