Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Women That Are Jealous Of Other Women

Miscellaneous Aldo

Monday's hearing began June 7 with statements Horacio Cuartas, Gustavo survivor Olympus and Demiryi, Mabel couple Maero the time of his abduction and disappearance in the Bank and Olympus. Then Olimpio said Hugo Garay and Rodriguez, who worked in intelligence Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS) with the accused and Alfredo Avena Sotera, a retired Army general who served as functions deputy to the Head 2 Intelligence of Staff, which depended Battalion 601. Asked by the prosecution, said Sotera of course that Battalion 601 was operating groups and acknowledged that may have had its own detention centers. He also stated Carlos Alberto Martínez, owner from 1976 to early 1978 of the Chief Intelligence 2 of which depended on the Battalion 601. Martinez denied that the Battalion had task forces and said he only sent the information "gathered" to 1 Army Corps.

Zulema Castro also said sorry for the kidnapping, disappearance and discovery of the remains of their children and Jesus Isidoro Peña. Peña brothers were seen at the headquarters of the Bank and Olympus, in early December 1978. Days later, his remains were found on the Atlantic coast. Agusti also stated Gilda White, who was held
missing on Mount Olympus when he was 5 months pregnant with his husband, Gustavo Raul Blanco; Stefano Mansur, a survivor of Olympus that captive shared Alfredo Giorgi . Finally, said Alejandro Alonso and Patricia Navarro Roa, for the kidnapping and disappearance of Jose Poblete and Gertrudis Hlaczik, members of Christians for the Liberation and ownership of the couple's daughter, Claudia Victoria, whom he reunited in early 2001. Alexander was a partner of militancy and Alejandra is the sister of "Pepe" Poblete.

The court decided not to grant the posing of the defenses on the lack of jurisdiction and competence for murder and unlawful deprivation of liberty and torture as a continuing offense in cases of brothers Jesus and Isidoro Peña, Helios Silvera Serra, Cristina Carreño Araya and Santiago Villanueva, whose remains were identified by the Task Argentine Forensic Anthropology (EAAF)


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