Monday, February 7, 2011

Brazilian Waxing With Genital Warts

Another request for life imprisonment and other repressive Patti

Crimes in the framework of genocide

The former mayor of Escobar was charged with the murder of Gaston Gonçalves and other crimes against humanity. As lawyers for the victims, the Human Rights Office framed the genocide accusation and requested that the figure is incorporated into the law.
By Alejandra Dandan

The indictment of Luis Abelardo Patti is coming to an end. Yesterday, a day of the final day of arguments, the Ministry of National Human Rights accused the former mayor of Escobar's murder Gastón Gonçalves, among other charges, and asked for him and the rest of the repressors accused the penalty of life imprisonment in a common jail. As happened with the complaints of the relatives of the victims, the Secretariat introduced the charge in the "framework of genocide." Expanded the grounds for that until now has been repeated on orders of condemnation and also urged Congress to "finally bring our positive internal law to international treaties which the Argentine State has ratified."

The trial began again in the municipal auditorium of José León Suárez, in the middle of a field, two blocks from the White Train pickers have day care for children and about the same place for years ran one of the trial witnesses, hours of the shootings of '56. Again, Patti was absent from the room. Lucila Larrandart Judge appointed him as the only two lawyers in the audience was suddenly disappeared from the toilet seat. "Where is the defense of Patti?" Impetuous asked the president of the Federal Oral Court No. 1 of San Martin and, at the novelty, ordered a recess in the room.

allegation before the Human Rights Office, lawyers Ana and Pablo Llonto Oberlin ended the prosecution that had begun on Thursday. As representatives of the families of Gastón Gonçalves, brothers William and Louis D'Amico and Diego Muniz Barreto, lawyers presented evidence in the case of former deputy: the abduction, illegal detention at the police station Escobar, torture, transfer the clandestine center of Campo de Mayo and homicide in a car and plunged the River. When finished, Ana Oberlin, as did after the Ministry of Human Rights, called for life imprisonment in the framework of genocide for the five defendants: Patti, Fernando Meneghini, Martin Rodriguez, Reynaldo Bignone and Omar Riveros. As published this newspaper yesterday, accused of the murder Patti aggravated by treachery of Gastón Gonçalves, and also for illegal deprivation of liberty in cases of aggravated Gonçalves Muniz Barreto, D'Amico brothers and parents, use of torture be aggravated by politically persecuted victims, and illegal search of the house of D'Amico. For all common jail and requested the suspension of retirement benefits. Before the end left the papers aside and spoke face to face with the Tribunal. "Hopefully," he said - that this made sense for all witnesses who courageously came to tell everything they lived, to connect the pieces of this puzzle ... Hope you had a sense that family members have come to all audiences and are seated to hear over and over again the terrible things that happened to their families. "He added that this will not make the daily absence of the victims to stop Although, "that's part of the irreparable. But what can be done is to return to their families credibility: show you, judges, not a new link in the chain of impunity or lies that suffered all these years. Therefore we ask that the sentence is imbued with memory and truth and, above all, once and for all, justice. "

Ciro Annicchiarico and Rosario Alvarez Garriga presented after the charge of the Secretariat of Human Rights "on behalf of all victims of state terrorism that occurred in the country." Annicchiarico, who had accused "in the context of genocide" when he led the charge in the case of Floreal Avellaneda, on this occasion added new foundations. Among them, some of the readings that are reviewing the definitions of the Rome Statute and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. In case the reading of French and Argentine sternum Yves Daniel Feierstein, whose eyes enable you to extend the restricted category of "national group" as the victim needed to constitute the crime of genocide, to think of any group of a country or nation, where the feature of "group" is determined by the rapist or repressor, as summarized at the request of Página/12 Annicchiarico. "It's the perpetrator that determines the group," he says, in a scheme that follows the interpretation that opened the judge Baltasar Garzón in the ruling "Pinochet", followed by the Federal Oral Court No. 1 of La Plata in Case-case "Etchecolatz", "Von Wernich" and "Unit No. 9."

For the case of Argentina, and from these readings, said the lawyer, "the systematic plan of extermination was aimed at the destruction of a part, a distinct group of the Nation of Argentina, characterized by the perpetrators as" subversive criminals', opponents of the regime, who, according to state officials terrorist threatening mode of existence 'Western Christian'. " Tried to "destroy the bonds of social solidarity and protest to the imposition of new relationships characterized by fragmentation and individualism in the context of a particular social economic model." That description, as the lawyer, can say that crimes against humanity committed in the country were perpetrated in the context of genocide, but until there is positive legislation, in its discretion, may be charged with genocide repressors. That he did do the prosecution of Alexander Alagia in the case "Atlético-Bank-Olympus" was not reproduced in this case for two reasons. First, they explained, because the defendants were not investigated for that crime. And second, because the penalty is not provided. Still, what is called try to open the roads go missing: "We want the court recognized that there was a genocide in Argentina."


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