Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Genital Herpes Or Pimple

I have no words


What follows this is my webquest. Just wanted to make a short introduction:

webquest that I have seen other people have done that links to your blog .... (I have not heard it)
there are people who write things in his blog. I have not done, with the work that it took to get to the webquest ..... and put something else !!!!!!!!!!! pa Well

. Now on to the subject of my webquest. I made a word document. Everything was pretty good, with indentations at the beginning of each paragraph .... justified margins .... nice .... the point with numbers and bullets .... Innocent me, I copied everything and pasted it in the window that building entrances and ... TAKE ALL POL ....!!!!!!!!!!!!! The computer as you put it all felt like it (which was the opposite to what I had): bye bye .... indented margins justification ... bye .... SNIF bullets! And do not watch

Odyssey pa pa put some pictures decorate .... The first picture well. I placed the photo, put nice that paragraph, pa gave me to get another picture and ... magic! The picture was not what I asked, my head right off everything in place and my ulcer had increased considerably in size (up to that day did not exist).

With much sweat, effort and large doses of patience, put all the photos and put it all. I hit the button reading "Preview" and it was all, as far as it goes, quite handsome. I steeled myself, I gave 'post' and ... Again all and the computer wanted: the cartoons as wanted, links (and see below) each in a site .... Asin

so is everything. I'm sorry, but I dare not go against your computer. Will has a great personality and likes to always get his way. Well, this time he has. Mery

PS I am writing this knowing that he is going to publish as want, so do not worry me much because I stay beautiful. That decides it. Salud!


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