Until recently the waste is deposited, immediately, in landfills, rivers, seas or any other place that was nearby. In agricultural and pastoral societies is very little waste produced unusable. With industrialization and development, the amount and variety of waste generated has increased dramatically. For several decades have been followed by simply eliminating the discharge system. This was done even with the increasing amount of toxic chemicals we produce. In the fifties and sixties of our century was checking the serious implications for the hygiene and health of individuals and the significant negative environmental impacts that this system is waste disposal.
same time, the amount of any type of waste has been increasing rapidly and has become clear that we must treat them appropriately if you want reducing the negative effects.
Recycling is the method of processing solid waste greener and friendly environment. There are several ways to recover recyclable materials, depending on whether they try to metals, textiles, glass, organic waste, etc.

To be effective recycling materials must be separated at source. In many municipalities have special containers for each item, and consumers are responsible for separating waste in their homes before putting them in containers.
residues are generally classified glass, paper or cardboard, and organic matter. Some materials that do not support recycling but also dangerous to be separated, an example of mercury cells or electric batteries. If these tasks are carried out responsibly will be saving much energy incinerators, the accumulation of waste at landfills and large amounts of gaseous pollutants emitted into the atmosphere.
or paper.
The pa pel is a matter that is constantly present in our lives, indeed their use is often referred to as an indicator of living standards of many countries. However, the development and prosperity of a country can also be measured on their ability to degrade the environment through the papermaking process and subsequent discharge of residual chemicals. The consumption of paper without ensuring sustainable development usually concludes with forest areas devastated by logging, and production of waste that does not return to the productive cycle. Therefore, the rate of consumption of materials with cell origin forces us to pay special attention to the recycling of these materials.
or glass.
The glass is formed from the merger of the sand silica with soda or potash. The drawback to glass is not the quantity, since there is enough around the planet and also has another great use, but it is expensive to transport and takes thousands of years to decompose naturally. Cm3 per 155 kg glass produced. waste. Glass produced from recycled material, and produce less waste, prevent air pollution by 20%, the water by 50% and saves enough electricity to maintain a 60-watt bulb lit for 4 hours.
glass components disintegrate in about 5000 years. In some developing countries were recycled always: poor people through the city, collecting bottles and other glass objects, then go to a recycling company. If no one has them to return to the store where purchased, and the company picks. Once there, they are separated by color and composition. Then cleaned and broken into small pieces. Melt at high temperatures and the re-shaping.
or batteries.
To do kind of batteries, their composition, are particularly toxic and dangerous for the environment, especially those containing cadmium (rechargeable batteries) and mercury (mostly button batteries, alkaline and silver oxide), but also concern other metals such as manganese, nickel and cinc.Entre battery types known and used are:
· Batteries button.
cylindrical or prismatic · Batteries (rechargeable or not)
· Batteries mobile phone and camcorder
Chemicals that are used to generate its energy heavy metals like cadmium, mercury, etc. The hazard occurs at the end of its useful life. The metals mixed with the environment pollute water and air. Often they are buried or burned other waste: the case of incineration, the burning will produce toxic substances that pollute the air. To bury them, plus it takes many years to decay, emanating hazardous substances contaminate the soil, bacteria, plants and groundwater. Batteries that are thrown away end up rusting in landfills, releasing mercury containing and polluting soil and water. You can also turn into methylmercury, a highly toxic compound.
The collection of cells is of great importance, we require the existence of specific containers scattered strategic areas and visible in our city.
or plastic.
The deleterious impact that produce plastics in the environment is less than that caused by other traditional materials, their manufacture requires fewer resources than others, its lightness and resistance provide clear environmental benefits to its effectiveness (transport, packaging, etc..), and in addition, plastics can be recycled.
You will have to make a Power Point presentation on the recycling of different materials: glass, plastic, paper and batteries.
Let's divide the class into 4 groups. Group A is responsible for the paper, glass group B, C batteries and D plastic.
What you have to do is a brief EXHIBITIONS (5-10 minutes) about the processes that suffer waste (each group from yours) since they are generated in homes until they can again be used. You must also include what would happen if they are deposited in the right place.
Here it is some websites where you can find the information you are going to need. Ø
Group A:
- http://www.aspapel.es/upload/fomento_reciclaje.pdf
- http://natureduca.iespana.es/activ_reciclaje_papel.htm
- http : / / www.ceamse.gov.ar / recicla_abc_papel.html
- http://users.copetel.com.ar/emiluz/papel.htm
- http://www.redcicla.com/index . htm
Ø Group B:
- http://www.reciclavidrio.com/
- http://www.basuraenguayana.s5.com/produvisarec1.htm
- h ttp: / / www.ceamse.gov.ar / recicla_abc_vidrio.html
- http://www.infoecologia.com/Reciclaje/reciclado_vidrio.htm
- http:// / / www.ambientum.com/revista/2004_10/reciclavidrio.htm
- http://www.redcicla.com/index.htm
Group C:
- http:// / / www.enbuenasmanos.com/articulos/muestra.asp?art=235
- http://www.redcicla.com/index.htm
- mailto: http://waste.ideal.es/ pilas.htm Ø
Group D:
- http://www.redcicla.com/index.htm
- http://www.ecoportal.net/contenido/temas_especiales/basura_residuos/el_reciclado_de_pl_sticos
- http : / / www.monografias.com/trabajos18/reciclado-plasticos/reciclado-plasticos.shtml
- http://espanol.geocities.com/paginaverde/reciclado-plasticos.pdf
Each group will prepare a series of questions (maximum one per member) on the presentations of other groups, I will pass to me before. After performing the work thou must be able to answer any questions that you pose a companion with which your responses will be evaluated and that is 50% of the note final.El other 50% of the grade will be the presentation of work and the contents.

Now that you are some experts in the field of recycling, and you know how important it is, you can teach your friends and family to be respectful to the environment y. ..
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