A research team has isolated a microorganism of a pond whose average temperature is 25 º C. When studying the location of the microorganism in the water column of the lake with respect to day-night cycles, researchers found the following result (solid line on graph).

In the laboratory the research group working with the organism isolated and determined the following data on their physiology and metabolism. It is a microaerophilic bacterium strict heterotrophic metabolism, whose optimum temperature is 25 º C. This research group attempts to reproduce in the laboratory the results observed in nature simulating cycles day and night in a column of water inoculated with this organism, which is placed in a chamber incubated aerobically at 25 ° C temperature and in which by simulated solar light day and night cycles but you get a completely different result (dashed line on graph): Microorganisms are always at the same depth.
a. - Develop a hypothesis to explain the result.
b. - Design an experiment in which you can check this hypothesis
a. - Develop a hypothesis to explain the result.
b. - Design an experiment in which you can check this hypothesis
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