Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Build Open Lockers

Mary Esther Tello Vizcaya faces to the fate of genocide their three children.

Mother of three missing his tormentors demanded to know the fate that ran their children (*)

past ten is called a recess until the heavy, wet two p.m. in Buenos Aires. Half an hour later than expected, began the interesting thing: prior to the hearings, the Secretariat reported a tentative order for those accused of "moving to an adjoining room." (Imagined then the director of a horror film that, after finished his film, begs blindfolded not to see the most violent scenes). Immediately, a murmur of condemnation and contempt peppered the room, so that the causes of those claims were submerged under the weight of phrases like
"Cowards. To torture were present. "
" cowards will be the last day of its existence. "
and others much less forgiving as to transcribed in this story.
After being accepted miserable order by the chair of the Tribunal, the companions of the repressors, members of the Federal Prison Service, handcuffed prisoners with extreme care-so small that dressing your wrist with striking artifacts - and took them outside the courtroom by a side door near the dais. No one saw them again but they remained "within the scope of the Court," said the judge. Only the accused were present Roldán, Donocik, Kalinec and Avena, who did not adhere to the request of escape.

Mary and their children

Then , Mary Esther Tello Biscayart made his entry into the room with short, firm steps, and provided its report to be explored regarding the successive disappearances of their sons Mariano, Pedro Daniel and Raphael, all surnamed Tello.
A curious fact, striking: after reading the article 275 (which provides for the crime of perjury) and the corresponding swearing, the clerk consulted questioned whether a bond of friendship has or enmity with the people charged in this process, a quality that would affect his ability to testify. Specialists say that is a formality that comes from Añares judicial tradition, but wonder, if we still have some residue of meaning common and worth throwing on the table what is the need to report a missing mother of four who did not despise, not as enemies, the captors of their children?
Mary responses were accurate and will surely be the most convincing evidence for resolving the case. Narrated events that seemed sculpted in his memory eternal fire, without hesitation or contradiction, providing a wealth of names, dates and details. With the security that it provided the unacceptable oblivion, and now, with what seemed a gorge in tears, Mary Esther were required to provide wireless voice full testimony.
A summary of what is narrated by Mary in the course of extensive questioning:
The May 31, 1978 Mary Esther Biscayart Tello was not in the country. His sons Mariano, Pedro and Rafael, yes and were arbitrarily seized. Residing in France, she knows the news by letter from a great family friend, Alfredo Cerami, who warns that the military does not comply with the kidnapping and looting of their homes - which lasted a whole week, "also had brought their wives. Before this happens, his son Marcelo, had also disappeared two years ago, in Cordoba. Began, through the efforts of his aunt habeas corpus and other procedures to find them. Meanwhile, Mary, from France, came every Thursday at the Embassy of Argentina to get an audience with the consul. Week after week, I received information that no one could help her. "I knew that the only way to survive the drama was hope. I learned to wait. " Note that demonstrations were unsuccessful, but useful for comfort. She was accompanied, after widespread in the press, film personalities, politics and art. Filed complaints to Amnesty International and the French courts and also sought the support of the central workers in this country.

military Business &

Pablo Daniel studied at the Faculty of Architecture of La Plata and had to start working, like Rafael, who did the same in philosophy and literature, because after the death of his father, "resources were difficult to distribute." They had assumed "the defense of worker rights and the dispossessed "after living a while in the field and see" small rural farms. " His father, also a journalist, was a union member and had worked in Amour. The regular two children wrote letters to his mother telling of their lives. In one, Paul Daniel says that the body of delegates from the shipyards of the River Plate, where he worked, gone (Mary explained that they were businessmen themselves who gave the inner lists the military). Shortly after Paul and Rafael were also victims. Witnesses to the kidnapping have been apprehended both of your work, which belonged to the architect Jorge Harstad-by identifying vehicles without plate. They put in the trunk. The first torture they suffered, the way to the camp, was a mock execution. So real was the simulation, co-workers who were to give their condolences to his wife after being released. This was possible only because fifteen days after the abduction, were also released at night, on a route, the wife of Paul Daniel and Rafael. One of them said that he was assigned a number instead of a name, in order to eliminate their identity. As if that were not enough, also was forced to watch the torture of her husband and his brother.
In the same field concentration which led to the children of Mary was Roberto Ramirez Tito, "as a slave. Now freed, he went to France and asked to see the mother of his fellow torture. But Mary did not know him, and being aware of the Astiz case, infiltration was careful, so I asked you to see one of those many walks to the embassy, \u200b\u200bso that others will recognize it. Tito said later: "I also had suspicious." Tito, for three days, said in a French court all the torture he had undergone. Also said that in one of those many rounds of morbidity was thrown unconscious in a hallway. After a while he heard some footsteps. He said: "Stay calm. We are Tello "At that moment Mary moved and counted as" in the most heinous their children retained a piece of humanity to be supportive. "
After three days of testimony, the judge lifted and hugged Mary. Tito said: "Thanks for the children you gave us." According to her, was one of the most intense moments of his life. Question now is whether such emotions can have them repressors. Culminates, very safe, "For me, have denied."

Nobel Condor

In one of his visits to France, the inconsistent Nobel Peace Prize, Henry Kissinger was named to testify by the judge Leloir - the one who had heard the statements of Tito Ramirez a document in which he expressed "authorize the repression in Argentina" and also by the Condor (by which, between the CIA and dictatorships Latin America, is coordinating the kidnapping) Kissinger managed to escape from his hotel, without expressing onomatopoeia whatsoever.
Mary, abutting the end of his statement, said: "Here I am. At the culmination of my claims, but lacks others. My children were entitled to organize themselves to overthrow the dictatorship and I will use my right to learn the whereabouts of my children and the identification of the body of Marcellus. They know they did with the missing. As citizens of this country, if they are considered citizens, have the responsibility to tell. "
At that time, counsel for the defense, Dr. Corbacho asked Mary if you know the remedy laws for family members or victims of state terrorism. "Yes, I know. Repeat the procedure than they did in Germany with the Jews.
When their testimony, Mary leaves the room excited, and is received by other mothers, with headscarves, the embrace. Meanwhile, the audience also applauded.

The next witness was more succinct. Damián Marcelo Senra said his father worked in ENTEL, who was shop steward and was not affiliated to any political party. Despite having nine years at the time of the kidnapping, you know passing through the Olympus, as they could tell close friends at a reunion years later. His parents were separated. At the time of the kidnapping, his father lived with his grandmother in Darragueyra and Paraguay, in the neighborhood of Palermo.

According to counsel Claudia Ferraro, a member of the complaint, the relevant aspects of the testimony today realize the fight on the outside of the Mothers. He also stressed that it was possible to reconstruct the disappearance of three factory workers in Buenos Aires, he says, gives the idea of \u200b\u200ban entire method.

(*) Sources number: The cow, Agencies, etc.

More information about the missing French the family room Domergue


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