By Diego Martínez
"I would have loved that my dad taught me to do a roast, receiving caresses of my mother's scream Enzo goals of my old and have a brother, "she told Carlos Pisoni, a member of HIJOS, against the oppressors of the First Army Corps. "We were many who suffer such losses," he said, and held that "those responsible are sitting on the bench." At the conclusion drew a picture of the missing faces of the athletic center, Bank and Olympus, including his parents, with whom he shared only 37 days, and spoke to the accused: "The only thing I ask, if they still have some courage, is to say where are the bodies. Still have a chance, "he said, looking at the eyes. All standing room applauded.
The subsoil of Comodoro Py was filled yesterday. But three relatives to the police, the rest were survivors, relatives and friends of the victims, all sitting by the empty places for the press. When Delia Barrera was ready to witness with a photo of her husband's hand, several repressors chose to retire. Handcuffed in pairs, singing softly, went Julio Simón, Samuel Miara, Ricardo Taddei, Raúl González, gendarmes and Eugenio Cardozo Guillermo Pereyra Apestegui and intelligence agent Raul Guglielminetti. "I hope 32 years ago now," said Barrera, who was 92 days in athletics. His teammate Hugo Scutari, a member of the JUP and CEO of the National Bank, was abducted on August 5, 1977. Minutes later a gang led by Juan Carlos Falcon, aka Kung Fu, which he took from home. In Atlético became "H26." They put on mask and tied his feet with chains and padlocks. "First I was naked and I'm out a sheepdog. Then I hit on the head and stomach, made me grab a cable with power, "she said, and emphasized the role of Falcon, which criticized other torturers because, he said," do not know how to hit. " Of those present certainly suffered two: "The Fuhrer (Eufemio Uballes) made us shout 'Heil Hitler' in torture, "he said. "A Doctor K (Eduardo Kalinec) I saw him in the infirmary. I said 'you have cracked rib but do not sell because you're going to be hanged,' "he recalled.
September 20 was the last contact with his partner. "Be strong and do not leave me" were his last words. They were then denied a farewell hug. "Stay calm, go to a farm recovery," the commissioner lied Antonio Fioravanti, who was killed with impunity in 1985. When the questions ended, Delia said she was honored for the seventh time to witness the commitment made in captivity. Then turned to his tormentors. "Know well that did not meet the mandate of silence, they could not break me and I will continue until the last day," he promised. We clarified that accompanied the family that formed when released but also his first partner and the missing who knew and read their names. He closed with a plea to the judges: "Do not abandon us."
"I do not know how they walked"

"Thanks to survivors I know that my parents took away his identity became H24 and H25," he said, and turned the meaning of being a child missing. "I do not remember their voices, I have the image of them in my retina, I do not know how they walked," he told the judges. "I can testify by a neighbor who took me to my grandmother. Thanks to his neighbor, whom I would like to know (the operation was on August 5, 1977 in Marble 483), I'm just one of the kids stolen, "he said.
witness and complainant, Pisoni recalled the trilogy "God, Country Home," invoked by the military and deemed "preposterous that a Christian moral person can commit the biggest sin for a believer, as is kill, kill and kill." Lamented "the role of the Church confessed that," said that "there are hundreds of Von Wernich" and distinguished "the accomplice of the true Church, that of Mujica, Angelelli and Pallottines, who suffered torture and disappearance as our old. "
His grandmother, Aurora Zucco of Bellocchio, handkerchief Mother of Plaza de Mayo in the head, confessed that since he received his grandson, "I knew I would always be glued to my heart." He said that after the kidnapping Rolando received a call asking if he had given his son. "I'm calm because we know that mom has the baby," Irene said a survivor, which ranked 80 in Aurora. The woman also distinguished the faces of the Church: Fernando Carballo his spiritual adviser told him "He who makes the payment," the priest Jorge Aguiar agreed to give a mass for the missing, but he disappeared before achieving it. "At the time told me that he woke up in a psychiatric south of Buenos Aires," he recalled. "I did not think that this time would come," he confided to the judges. Lamented "the neglect suffered by most of the people" and hoped "that this Court do what should have been done many years before."
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