Friday, February 26, 2010

Can You Take Tylenol Pm With Heart Palpiltations

Rafael de Penagos:

A lthough ho and make entries in this blog, but , I can only devote a lines to this friend, and it was here that I mentioned.

down there if you look for in an entry titled "If you remember my dream, find the name of this great bard, poet and translator who has just left. Who was beautifully translated into English Theodorakis song "Luna de Miel" (An thimitis to oniro mou) you can listen in the videos on the right.

In the "scene" was called Penaguitos, being the wonderful son named as an illustrator and portrait painter who invented a whole style of women in the prewar, stylish and daring, and his fans gave their name: the refined , sophisticated and modern "Penagos Women." Rafael de Penagos
doubled Olympus film medium, was himself an actor, wrote poetry, gave him the accolade Juan Ramon, "and translated.
Penagos was perhaps the best and poet who was paid tribute to peers poets and poetry throughout his life: he knew thousands of poems by heart and recited tirelessly for years and years, through the radio.

Not missing verses

"This is the heart

This is the heart and this is the penalty. This blood
sailed my life.
traveled here my brief history deleted
and then on the sand.

I bring this freedom and this sentence.
My hope: that flower greenup.
fell. I got up. And I played the game
into the wind when it rings.

What other customs declaration?
This burden of verses, I now see
that eased my voice every morning.

And meanwhile, wait. Confidently.
Because I believe in the light and never believe that God
shutting down one day suddenly.

(Rafael de Penagos)


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