Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spot Images On Breast

Delia Barrera, ccd survivor

For three months
Delia Barrera and Ferrando (22) and Hugo Alberto Scutari (25), both members of the JUP, had moved together. Five years of dating and a common life project is truncated at once on 5 August 1977.
that day Hugo was kidnapped near the station First Board, in the barrio Caballito, and hours later took Delia. Hugo, who worked as a banker (he was also a delegate to base) and a law student, is still missing. Delia, meanwhile, survived the terrorism of State yesterday told the TOF No. 2, responsible for trying crimes committed in the ABO circuit.
"At the door of my building I was blindfolded, handcuffed me, put a knife to her throat and threw me in an ambulance. There, on the floor, I dropped my pants and stuck a finger in the vagina. "I'm looking for the cyanide pill, 'he said one of the torturers, as I pointed a gun at his head."
A little boot, Delia asked if he knew the tango "Caminito". "Yes, I know," she said, and immediately began to sing the hijackers and forced her to do the same. Since then, Delia feels disgust every time I hear that tango.
After a journey of about three quarters of an hour, down from the vehicle, entered the clandestine detention center Athletic Club, took his salary (he had taken that day) and how little of value was over. From there, it stopped being Delia and became "H-26", as the name assigned in the field.
was thrown in a dark room, alone, naked and shackled. "Stay calm I'm here," Delia overhears. Hugo's voice, captured hours before it actually cool, but short, after a while take them out into the corridor and lead to "den" where they are prodded and beaten. The repressor Juan Carlos Falcon, aka Kung Fu, blamed his subordinates for not hitting too hard to detainees. "I'm going to demonstrate how it sticks," he said.
In the "theater" as well as Kung Fu, was Eufemio Jorge Uballes ("Führer"), who, true to his nickname, was the tortured screaming "Heil Hitler." There was also "Doctor K" Emilio Eduardo Kalinec. "Boluda, you have cracked ribs but we can not sell because you can you hang with bands," Delia told after a brutal torture. Kalinec
Delia watched the testimony in the courtroom, even though it would rather not feel the eyes of former federal police. With courage, Delia recalled in detail the horrors he suffered in the Athletic Club. Accompanied a picture of Hugo, who settled on a model of the clandestine center, and hundreds of relatives and human rights activists who packed the courtroom in tears and applauded. A woman, on top rack, not applauded. Kalinec was a daughter of thirty-five, who probably still can not believe the things I was able to his father.


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