Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where To Buy A Vanity Tray

Happy Holidays. Videos

Happy holidays to all those who pass regularly on my blog, which you do not do so regularly, or you, you've accidentally ended up in my blog. ;)

Just to say that although I wanted to have made a new post year-end entities, with something interesting, I could, but I promise a ticket to before kings. , P

Regards, and enjoy a good holiday and return with more energy. Byee.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Myammee Breast Feeding Tops

The character of political persecution highlighted in the testimonies of ABO

"Twelve sentences are a step forward"
"Fifteen years ago I decided that this fight was a collective struggle," said Paul Maroni, whose father was one of the disappeared in clandestine camps circuit Atlético-Bank- Olympus.

By Alejandra Dandan

President of the Court read the verdict. It was the day of the sentence of the 17 accused for the crimes of the circuit Atlético-Bank-Olympus. A few meters between the chairs of the camp survivors, relatives and members of human rights organizations, Paula Maroni heard again and again how fell the name of his father, the repressors were condemned by some victims, but in turn absolved by others. In the case of his father, at the beginning there were six defendants, but as it moved the decision-saparecían names on the list: "How ugly it sounded!" Says Paula, who finally heard the name of Juan Patricio as part of the sentence to life imprisonment for Julio Simón. "My father is a case that was not seen by many people, the only witness is my mom because Atletico is with him and my grandmother who witnessed the raid," she says, outside, the day of sentencing, my companions were concerned because they heard that fell from the convictions, but I was happy because fifteen years ago I decided that this fight was a collective struggle, and I said okay, the Tribunal has said the cases we recontraprobados!, the rest of left out, which is unobjectionable sentence. "

Nearly fifty repressors who was convicted of crimes against humanity should not be one more statistic. The statements that amounted to celebrities such as former President Jorge Rafael Videla and Luciano Benjamin Menendez in Cordoba and Samuel Miara, Julio Simon and Raul Guglielminetti in Buenos Aires, were also focus on lesser-known names: general perpetrators of repression, many courts for the first time and who are those who were on the other side of the bands of cloisonné, which kidnapped, tortured, relocated and executed the victims. For the complainants, ruling that ordered 12 of the 17 defendants to life imprisonment is making historic advances, but also the limits of criminal logic: among some silence to mark the sentences omit the condition of victims of political persecution or the idea of \u200b\u200bsomehow validate that without bodies is not possible to prove that the transfers were exterminations.

"The sentence is very important," said Ana Maria again Careaga as the first day. Ana Maria is a survivor of the circuit and was one of the engines of the case. "This was one of the first large trials of Comodoro Py: the first time that the repressive judges collectively as part of a circuit and that transcends each of the missing ABO and allows judges also a systematic plan to analyze the method used by all security forces. "

Olympus Athletic-Bank-operated clandestine camps were three police officers who worked mainly in succession, so they were moving to the victims. Ran from mid 1976 to early 1979. The trial began on 24 November 2009, 17 repressors judged by a total of 183 cases. "It was also very important for the scenario of Comodoro Py-Careaga, it opens still other statements that are coming in that scenario."


The verdict was met on Wednesday, the 12 perpetual reached Miara and Turco Julián, there were four sentences to 25 years in prison and an acquittal for Juan Carlos Falcon, known as "Kung Fu" by the martial way he had of beating detainees. Beyond the reasons why each is sentenced, reasons that will be available in March with the diffusion fundamentals, or whether it is true or not that in the case of Falcon weighed his alibi to the effect that, for the time, was custodian Albano Harguindeguy-staff when he heard the acquittal, Delia Barrera left the room crying to shut in the bathroom.

"I did not come, I could not," says Pagina/12. "Falcon was at my house, is the tortured us, cut us off from the cells with my first husband, who moved to him, the one who decides my freedom." The operation of the kidnapping was done in an apartment on Superí 135. Kung Fu first appeared among the men of the task force, described by Delia with slanted eyes, the tall and as the person who carried out their entire case in the field: from the interrogation to the transfers. "I feel pain and anger," he said, "what other proof I can give? I am very happy with the sentence, but I feel like I was with a choking in the throat Falcon, I gave enough proof, many of my peers also recognized him from pictures, but I do not care, there will be more and surely we will get to the ABO II. "

Some of that same feeling will soon be repeated Guglielminetti and Ricardo Taddei, who was extradited from Spain in 2007. Both were sentenced to 25 years in prison without sentences. Guglielminetti because he was convicted of murder and the rest, only secondary participant considered him among other things, it is assumed, because not placed in the three areas as claimed by the victims. A Taddei, because an agreement with Spain Argentina prevents the higher sanctions are permitted there. But beyond the reasons, that question is the logic of Criminal Justice is still asking for tangible evidence, causes and effects, as if no time had passed.

"It's the tool we have to prosecute these heinous crimes and these tools have their limitations," says Carey. "It need this kind of tools to judge a practice that was done in a clandestine manner, with clandestine camps, with repressors with nicknames, the names of the victims changed, so I think that twelve sentences are a step forward. "

The singling

Isabel Fernández Blanco is one of the witnesses with more statements on his back, six times in total. However, the experience is not enough: before this time was held for days persecuted by those fears that still weigh on the shoulders of the survivors: what happens if you forget something? Do any of the names of colleagues who did not return to the centers?, that promise to give each other, and that the commitment to fight for justice. The scare followed. One day before declaring visited an old classmate. Asked for help, pencil and paper and write down what I was saying. Spoke. Followed. Until that companion grabbed the list, doubled over and said, "You know what you have to do? Talk about what you lived. "

"I felt that the memories that I had erased suddenly appeared and I had to do with that for the first time I went there to talk to me," says Isabel. "When you're sentadito there is like the memories flow, and I I remembered things that even surprised me. "Among others, its place in the federal area Montoneros, in press. "I forgot to say that it was militant base, but I think the idea that we could say that militants were enabled to better the memory."

The logic of the case by case opened in court, as in Comodoro Py other processes, the ability to speak before the oppressors or the search for some actors such as prosecutors who tried to take for repression attempted to show the stories of life, the realization of the militants but mostly missing their political militancy , was what drew a new profile in court. Cases like Elizabeth, who until now was to talk about other victims, stories began to rebuild in the singular.

Miguel D'Agostino is one of those who are convinced we can talk of militancy was a feature of these trials. Survivor circuit, said in the eighties when the outbreak of the theory of the two demons will be offered the possibility of detainees who raised so forth. And when many were still suffering prison freed distance: control received calls, appointments ended in bars or prisoners. D'Agostino says the lawsuits began to recover the political past.

"I was surprised that the decision not to make any reference to political activism," he says, referring to other decisions that take as aggravating the condition of political victims. That feature was treated by Alejandro Alagia, the federal prosecutor. Assuming all risks for possible orders of invalidity, the prosecutor called for the punishment of genocide for all representation-for the first time a state agency and tried to explain to victims as part of a national policy with defined characteristics, victim a massacre. "It struck me that do not refer to it," said Michel, I think that is disappearing as an identity, social and political identity of the people. "


In the sentence there was another fact: the sentences were authorized for the twelve repressors linked as authors or coauthors of the murder of only five bodies that are appearing and identified in the case. Five victims identified in 2007 by the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team. Without bodies, the Criminal Justice or at least a part of it, as evidenced by this sentence, does not seem to be able to sentence to life imprisonment.

"Overall is a major accomplishment, but let me taste a little, "continues Michael," we are in the XXI century, we have lots of information and need to establish in greater detail than those who are not, for example, are missing, exterminated and killed to ensure impunity. "And he says:" We're still celebrating, we are not at the stage of analysis, these days was also ordered Videla, we are elated that: but we find it surprising, after thirty-odd years to see their faces so far we had only seen through whether or not to get up a band and risk going to the torture chamber. Or that because we knew someone was afraid to whisper some data and now to see them, how you're not going to celebrate! ".

"I believe that these cases go beyond the legal issue," again says Ana Maria Careaga. "I believe this society can not leave these judgments as input: none of those who are sitting at these stories that are unbearable goes well, they speak of humanity, and this is repeated at each point of the country where an event occurs justice. "

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Border Personality Disordr Jeffrey Dahmer

Who are those convicted and acquitted

a Caesar Simon alias "Turco Julián" . Known for his victims for their anti-Semitism. He wore a ring with a swastika. He related his experience as a torturer before TV cameras and already has two convictions under his belt: one for the disappearance of the family Poblete and one for the kidnapping of a militant group Montoneros who returned home in the context of its counteroffensive operation . Yesterday was his third conviction. He got life.

2 Raul Gonzalez, alias "Mayor Raul" or "The Black" . From the Federal Police, was the second leader in the field and participated in interrogatorios.Perpetua.

3 J uan Carlos Avena, alias "Captain Rye." Adjuntor As principal of the Prison Service was involved in the organization and direction of the Olympus. Perpetua.

4 Eufemio Jorge Uballes, alias "Quiroga little glasses" or "Fuehrer" . Former Commissioner of the Federal Police Argentina. He was one of those charged with "transfer" of detainees. Several of the stories of the survivors remember him making them say "Heil Hitler" while being tortured. Perpetua.

5 Eduardo Emilio Kalinec, alias "Doctor K ". Former assistant officer of the Federal Police. He was sentenced to intervene in the custody of the detainees and to participate in interrogations and torture applied in the Athletic Center, The Bank and The Olympian. Continued in office until just six years ago when he began to be judged. Perpetua.

6 Roberto Antonio Rosa, alias "Clavel" . It was designated as a member of the task forces circuit depended on the Security Superintendence of the Federal Police. Rosa rose to fame because it was connected with the judge Norberto Oyarbide in the scandal on the protection of brothels. Happened before the Law Department Special (illegal gambling) for three years and during that time was investigated for alleged illicit enrichment. Perpetua.

7 G uillermo Victor Cardozo, aka "Cortez" . Former policeman. He devoted himself to indoctrinate Campo de Mayo at the guards of the clandestine centers not to talk of the crimes with anyone. During the '90s was senior commander until 1998 was deputy chief of the Region II (Rosario) Gendarmerie. Perpetua.

8 Apestegui Eugenio Perez, alias "Quintana" . Another former gendarme. Survivors remember him with hair gel and tacos, on small horse complex. Forced abductees to inhuman physical exertion, listening to speeches by Hitler and lyrics Nino Bravo. He was one of the few who spoke during the investigation: he said that the center met only "security features on a military target." Perpetua.

9 Enrique José Del Pino, alias "Michael" . Army captain Intelligence Battalion 601, Del Pino began his career in 1975 under the command of Antonio Domingo Bussi and Adel Vilas, in Tucumán. He went on to become head of the task force operating in the Bank and Olympians. He was arrested in 2007 after spending a year and a half run. Perpetua.

10 Samuel Miara, alias "Cobani" . Former deputy chief of the guard of three clandestine centers. Testimonies of survivors say Miara violated several of the detained and beat a woman kicked seven months pregnant. In 1998 he was sentenced to twelve years imprisonment for misappropriation of twins Matthew and Re-ggiardo Gonzalo Tolosa, who raised her as their own. Perpetua.

11 Isidro Augusto Oscar Rolon, alias "Soler" . Tortured detainees with batons and boasted of being infiltrated in the Faculty of Law. The maid who in 2007 confirmed his view that preventive detention would held "direct contact" with the victims, which "suggests that you understand the aspects of the last phase (the de-saparición people) of the criminal maneuvers." Perpetua.

12 Luis Juan Donocik, alias "Polish Boy" . Retired Commissioner of the Federal Police. Part of the group of guards called "locks", responsible for preventing the hostages to speak and take them to the torture room. Before retiring he was responsible for the 48 th station. Was connected to the private security company Segar SA. Perpetua.

Raúl Antonio Guglielminetti 13, alias "Gustavino" or "Mayor Gustavino" . Former civilian intelligence officer of the Army. Acted as a repressor in at least six clandestine centers and early '80s turned to kidnappings for ransom. After the return to democracy was custodian of former President Raul Alfonsin. He was arrested in August 2008. Condendo was 25 years.

14 Mario Alberto Gómez Arenas. was head of Intelligence Detachment 103 of the Federal Capital from 1979 to 1981. In 2008 he was convicted for his role as head of Task Force 182, Neuquén with two of his former subordinates. 25.

15 Ricardo Taddei, aka "Priest" or " Father. " Integrated the "street gangs" that applied torture. Then he offered as a confessor in captivity to provide punishment and absolution, even brought a TV to Olympus to see the hostages Sunday mass. In April 2007, was extradited from Spain, where he lived for twenty years. 25.

16 Carlos Alberto Roque Tepedino. fundamental part in the intelligence of the army. Between 1975 and 1977 he was director of internal intelligence SIDE. From '78 to '79 led the Intelligence Battalion 601. He retired in '81, but until the end of the dictatorship he served as director general of Homeland Security. Once democracy, followed by "serving" as seconded to the Department of Computer Science at the command of the Army. 25.

17 Juan Carlos Falcon, aka "Kung Fu". Guard karate, skilled in martial arts. The survivors identified him as a participant in the "transfer" and was remembered because no one could mourn his guards. Former custodian of Albano Harguindeguy, used to abuse women abducted. Yesterday, the court found that there was insufficient evidence to convict him. He was acquitted.

The sentence left several questions in the air. Among others, why the court did not punish with the maximum penalty of disappearances in the absence of bodies.

How Often Should You Poop When U Have A Period

repressor Twelve repressors life sentences and four received 25 years. Seamless

repressors 16 were convicted and one was acquitted at trial for crimes in the CCD cometitos Arlet - Olympus Bank
The gang of Miara and Guglielminetti had his sentence
The trial covered the 183 victims.
By Alejandra Dandan

was one of the gods of Olympus. One of the fiercest and torturers of the most emblematic of state terrorism. While Jorge Alberto Tassara letter by letter he read the sentence that the victims and their families waited for over thirty years, he rose from his chair to leave the room because just then needed to go to the bathroom. Soon after, with a recess through and hid his face while rolling around on the chair, the president of the Federal Court in February ended with the reading of the charges: July alias El Turco Julián Simón was sentenced to life imprisonment and perpetual disqualification as author five homicides ranked by treachery in competition with illegal deprivation of liberty and torture, deprivation of 74 events illegal torture and 89 aggravated crimes of torture and deprivation with the aggravating circumstance that the victims were kept captive for over a month. There was a unique and warm applause in the courtroom during the two hours of reading the verdict, was at that time.

The landmark decision by the crimes of the integrated circuit by the clandestine centers of the Bank-Atlético-Olympus finally arrived. At seven o'clock in the afternoon, the president of TOF 2 read the sentences for 16 of the 17 defendants repressors, as specified under "crimes against humanity for 183 cases. Turco behind Julian received the maximum sentence eleven other repressors, including the appropriator Samuel Miara and Oscar Augusto Rolón police entered the room with their hands up, waving enthusiastically to family and relatives of other defendants who were throwing kisses from the top floor. Four other repressors were sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with perpetual absolute disqualification, including Raul Guglielminetti. Juan Carlos Falcon aka "Kung Fu" was acquitted of charges and ordered his release.

After the verdict was read when it finally ended the trial that began on 24 November last year, including victims and witnesses was a sense of arrival, having reached a floor justice. In the courtroom heard "present, now and forever."

"Justice was done," he said to put things in place and before anything else Ana Maria Careaga, one of the survivors of the circuit and pillar in the vicissitudes of the trial. "Many people were sentenced to life imprisonment, perpetrators of these heinous crimes, but also the frustration because we had to endure in this repressor under the pseudonym of Kung Fu, but everything we have experienced conflicts with the parameters justice, holding that there is real that the person acted there. "

Despite the prosecution's request Alexander led all Alagia who asked the prosecution for the crime of genocide, the TOF 2 issued a statement that the complaints considered technically correct. The Court chose the formula of "crimes against humanity" to position and justify the convictions.

give life sentences to the Court considered it established the crime of murder aggravated by treachery. This offense is able to incorporate in the course of the trial because five bodies of victims who had gone through the camps were identified by the Argentine Team of Forensic Anthropology in 2007.

that accusation came in the appropriator Samuel Miara who was chief of the guard of the three centers clandestine repressive and charged by the appropriation of the twins Reggiardo-Tolosa. As it has done in recent hearings, the hearing continued to look through a display connected to the police hospital Churruca. The Court sentenced him to life imprisonment and disqualification for the killings. In addition, he was sentenced for 58 acts of unlawful deprivation of liberty and aggravated torments and 81 other cases where the aggravating feature was added the victims have maintained for over a month deprived of their liberty. The same kind of charge was repeated by most of the repressors. The

Guglielminetti case was different. He received a sentence less than that expected. The Court sentenced him to 25 years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and co-author of torture in a case and engaged in 22 secondary unlawful acts of torture and aggravated child and as a participant in another 46 where the action included as aggravated kidnapping more than a month in captivity. The reasons why the two TOF thereby sentenced him will be announced on March 22, when reading the basics of sentence. The complaints and the prosecution yesterday made some assumptions, including that the Court assessed the former intelligence officer of Battalion 601 as someone who was not assigned permanently to the field.

Another life but was not sentenced to 25 years in prison but is accused of five murders is Ricardo Taddei. The repressor was extradited from Spain and under the agreement with that country, Argentina is committed to not taking to life in prison.

Another particular case was that of Lieutenant Colonel (r) Enrique José del Pino Task Force chief GT2, sentenced to life imprisonment for cases listed as homicide and murder of Charles Fassano and Révora De Lucia Pedro. With del Pino were convicted of the same crimes to 25 years in prison Carlos Alberto Teppedino-on whom the Court ordered the urgent arrest, and Mario Gomez Arena.

The decision to release the Falcon will be appealed. Despite that, last night between Página/12 respondents were assessed by some explanations. One was that the judges had given one of the valid excuse of the "Kung Fu" in the center that he can prove in the debate during that period was assigned to the personal custody of Albano Harguindeguy. Despite that, there are witnesses who are located within schools and who might argue, as they did last night, if that same proximity to the former interior minister is not empowered to participate in torture.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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silence Extradited U.S.

The torturer Julio Simón, alias "El Turco Julián", known for his ferocity, he hid his eyes to the flashes. Samuel Miara, appropriates Reggiardo-Tolosa twins, he repeated that he had nothing to add. Have orders of life imprisonment.
By Alejandra Dandan

was one of the gods of Olympus. The guy who was adorned with crosses in the neck, and the Nazi symbol on a keychain. The man who organized wrestling for fun among the disappeared, the always faced two, two men or two women, rules that ran through his mind. Everything but not worth the fight, because when someone does not beat her, subjected them to a torture session. Julio Héctor Simón alias "Turco Julián", the same god of the underworld, he lowered his eyes when a photographer tried to portray Página/12 yesterday: Sitting among sixteen other repressors in one of the auditoriums of the Federal Courts of Comodoro Py, where it began the last day of trial for the crimes of the circuit Atlético-Bank-Olimpo, one day before the sentence that you hear today.

The repressors block sat behind Simon was in the front rows. A behind other stood at one end of the room altered by movement of the camera lens. One of the highest, the former Federal man Oscar Rolon, just sensed the shot turned quickly to get back, a position from which he improvised a saving chat with one of the colonels. In the courtroom, the Federal Court 2 Buenos Aires trying to connect to the repressor number 17: the appropriator Samuel Miara, chief guard of the three centers clandestine repressive and charged with misappropriation of twins Reggiardo-Tolosa. Police Hospital in Churruca, Miara follow the lead of trial by video conference.

Miara Sir, listen to me, asked the chairman of the Federal Court 2 repeatedly, and later returned to ask the same thing, but to know if, as had happened with each of the other defendants-was willing to say something . It was the last day of hearing. It had been about 80 days of debate and the arguments of the prosecutor's office accused of genocide and all the requested life imprisonment for the complaints. Miara, he said nothing, was the only one of the 17 who responded, however, with a little more than words: "All this has put my defense attorney said," therefore I have nothing to add " .

The trial for the crimes of the circuit known as ABO began on 24 November last year, in whom the accused is judged by 184 cases of kidnappings, tortures and killings. Most of the defendants are men of the Federal Police, but among them there are also men of the Prison Service, Prison Service and the Army were incorporated at different points in the opening of schools.

The first group was the Turk Julien Miara, Roberto Antonio Rosa, alias "Clavel" Eduardo Kalinek, alias "Dr K", Raul Gonzalez, alias "Black"; Ricardo Taddei, aka "Priest" or "Father", who was extradited in March 2007 from Spain, Juan Carlos Falcon, aka "Kung Fu" by way of beating detainees with ways of martial arts, Oscar Augusto Isidro Rolon, alias "Soler," the man who I wanted the photo, Eugenio Jorge Uballes, alias "little glasses," which also integrated Taddei troops Triple A, and Juan Carlos Donocik, alias "Polish Boy." The others are Juan Carlos Avena, alias "Captain Rye", the Prison Service; Apestegui Eugenio Perez, alias "Quintana", and William Victor Cardozo, alias "Cortez de Gendarmerie" Raul Guglielminetti, known as the "Mayor Guastavino, civil, intelligence, and former Enrique José del Pino, a retired lieutenant colonel and chief of GT2 task force that worked in the three centers. They are also accused Carlos Tepedino and Mario Gomez Arena.

"Each of them fulfilled various roles within the center, were there," said Michael D'Agostino Pagina/12 camp survivor. "They were over the two years he worked changing or alternating centers responsibilities."

Atletico worked on a farm in the Federal Police of police task forces since the mid of '76 to December '77, and was turned off by the construction of the highway May 25. The camp was moved temporarily to the Bank, at the intersection of Highway Riccheri with Belt Road, off of Bridge 12, until August 16, '78. From that day began to operate the Olympus in another property of the City, in Lacarra and Ramon L. Falcon, who was disabled in January 1979.

As happened yesterday, during the trial the defendants spoke barely. The pact of silence worked although not all had the same security force, a feature that in Cordoba, for example, he broke and prevented them from weave a common defensive strategy in pursuit of a defense, several spoke. In this case, no. And the members of the complaints are not surprising: "This shows that the cases of those who speak are exceptional," said Ana Maria Careaga Pagina/12. "And it debunks the possibility of a reconciliation based on the idea of \u200b\u200brepentance are unable to see responsibilities, should be tried and condemned." Ana Maria said that in general the repressors show an esprit de corps: a covenant of silence that even today we still meet. "For many years they can say what they know, the truth: they had the opportunity during the trials for the truth because the laws were in force for which they could be judged by ownership and real babies, but not for other crimes, but then also took care of business. "

Daniel explained that his brother Gustavo did not occupy important positions in the organization Montoneros, which joined in the last years of his life being democratic government official and then as the organizer of the Authentic Party in the Province of Santa Fe, developing their political work in the neighborhood front especially in Centennial neighborhood. Gustavo

Put graduated in Philosophy and a professor in several Universities Colleges Nacional del Litoral and Santa Fe Catholic "Today there are plaques on each of these houses of study as in the central hall of AmSafe teachers' union that rescue work of teachers committed to social change," he said.

Months before his abduction, in fact in June 1977, Gustavo Pon wrote in his diary a concept that summarizes the meaning of life, and is as follows: "I spent several years researching the most effective way to meet the Gospel mandate until I realized that love is a love gospel political, that the charity does not work because it humiliates and degrades, that freedom and salvation are the same thing. For what are we going to save or liberate people if you then have to serve the oppressive structures. "

Friday, December 17, 2010

Afghan Wedding Invitations Cards

repressor repressor Juan Miguel Méndez

Florida to Melchor Romero

retired Gendarmerie Commander Juan Miguel Méndez was detained in the United States, which two months ago refused to extradite a defendant for the Slaughter of Trelew. Méndez was deputy chief of guards and centers Olympus Bank

When reopened the case for crimes against humanity under the aegis of the Prime Army, in 2003, the Gendarmerie commander retired Juan Miguel Mendez fled towards the United States. Two years later, Judge Daniel Rafecas ordered his arrest. It was located in Florida but had to spend three years and a U.S. president to change in June 2009 following implementation of the arrest. Yesterday, a third century of his performance as deputy chief of the clandestine centers guards Bank and Olympus, was extradited to Ezeiza.

"The United States government is proud to assist the government of Argentina to bring to justice alleged perpetrators of human rights," said Ambassador Vilma Martínez. The transfer is specific to two months of the judge's refusal to extradite Robert Dubé another resident of Florida arrest warrant, the lieutenant Roberto Guillermo Bravo, shot the Slaughter of Trelew in 1972 and holder of RGB Group Engineer, billing millions of dollars for medical services to the U.S. military.

After the coup of 1976, Mendez was assigned to the Gendarmerie mobile squad in Campo de Mayo, which backed the commander Guillermo Cardozo. Olympus survivors recall that Nelson Méndez coverage name, used to travel the clandestine center as head of the gendarmes who provided "security" task that does not exclude some operations. Cardozo and fifteen other repressors of the circuit-Bank-Olympus Athletic heard on Tuesday its first sentence for kidnapping, torture and murder. The 16th is Julio Simón, who is on his third conviction.

the policeman of 68 years arrived here yesterday at the United Airlines Flight 847, accompanied by officials of U.S. deportations service. At Ezeiza Airport, the expected effect of the unit complex operations of the Airport Security Police, he was transferred to its final destination, Penal Unit 29, Melchor Romero.

The U.S. embassy reported that the extradition was by the Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations. According to the statement, was identified in May 2009 by the unit dedicated to combating human rights violations and war crimes of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and arrested on 11 June. ICE sued for violating the immigration law of the United States, as occurred with the greatest Ernesto Barreiro, torturer of La Perla. "The U.S. Immigration and Customs will not allow America to be a haven for those who have come to our country to escape prosecution and punishment for crimes committed in other countries," said service director, John Morton.

With the extradition of Mendez. the investigation of crimes in the circuit Olympus Atlético-Bank-thirty round the accused. In recent days, were detained three police officers and an agent of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This is the official Angel Eduardo Cruz, alias Cramer, who had been on the run in '80, the Oscar Raymond Izzi officer, the inspector Baigorria Mario Oscar, and Héctor Horacio prison Marc, aka Russian. The five should give unsworn statement and await trial for the crimes of the First Corps, which still has no date.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Price For Two Gold Desert Engels

History Paddle.

Paddle The origins of the date of the last century (1890) and adapted games from the English ships, to entertain passengers. Later in 1924 the U.S. introduced the sport Frank Beal to New York City parks and gave the name "Paddle Tennis" by the palette that was used to play.

In 1928 he made some adjustments so that it can play in winter and were Fesseden Blanchardy and James Cogswell who decided to play the sport in pairs, installing wooden courts because this does not affect them over rough terrain and around the court with a grate so that no one was allowed to snow balls. In this sport was christened "Platform Tennis."
of this field is "Platform Tennis" where Don Enrique Corcuera took the idea and having no room in his home in Acapulco to build a regulation tennis court makes a number of adaptations and invented what some call the sport of XXI century.

measures the pitch of Don Enrique Corcuera are the same as those used so far: a surface area of \u200b\u200b200 square meters (20 X 10 m.) with two end walls with a minimum of three and a maximum of four meters high.

And not until 1993 when the sport returns to the country of his birth Acapulco, Mexico.

Alfonso de Hohenlohe in 1974 he traveled to Mexico at the invitation of his friend Enrique Corcuera. During his stay is interested in practicing a new sport that his friend had recently created, incorporating a pediment other opposite wall about 3 feet high, placing a net in the middle and closing costs of the track with a wire mesh. It was played with wooden pallets and was called paddle tennis.

His enthusiasm for this new sport was immediate, since Hohenlole Alfonso, on his return to Spain, and after studying and refining some details of the track and playing field, build the first two courts of Spain Marbella Club. Thus began promoting Paddle among his friends in the Jet-Set, who then became addicted.

The success achieved in the game soon attracted leading figures of tennis as Manolo Santana, who began organizing tournaments and spread the paddle on the Costa del Sol, where many clubs began to build their own tracks.

In 1975, a great friend of Alfonso de Hohenlohe, Marbella and frequent visitor, billionaire Julio Menditengui is witness to the success of paddle, and choose to import the sport to Argentina, where in a few years, he received an unprecedented boom now becoming days in the second most popular sport in this country, with over 2 million tracks and 10,000 players built throughout the territory. In recent years, the paddle has spread to other countries like Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, etc. with many fans. This influence has also reached North America where fans can already count among Americans and Canadians.

The first paddle tennis court, built by Henry.

In Spain, the paddle begins to expand to major cities and sports clubs of Madrid, Barcelona Andalusia, Galicia and the Basque Country. Establishing the infrastructure needed for this sport throughout the country and organizing the National Circuit Tournament to be held in the most prestigious clubs in the country.

On July 25, 1991, was established in Madrid the International Federation of Padel whose presidency falls on a English Artiach Julio Alegria, who was commissioned to create a circuit of international meetings and to conclude an international game rules.

In May 1993, the paddle took a decisive step for consolidation: the Sports Council agreed as recognition of paddle sport. A year later, approving the establishment of the English Association of Paddle registered in the Register of Sports Associations of the Higher Sports Council.

regional level, was founded in January 1992 the Association of Paddle Madrid, now recorded in the Register of Sports Associations of the Community of Madrid from the Directorate General of Sports. This is not the only autonomous region where there have been initiatives of this kind, in Catalonia, the Basque Country, Galicia, Andalusia and Extremadura Regional Chapters exist.

today to have been organized in our country seven editions of the National Tour Beefeater, countless matches between national teams at international level, four editions of the Regional Circuit de Madrid, various issues
Circuit Andalusian, Catalan and Basque (organized by their respective independent groups), and countless Open Tournament sponsored by the most prestigious companies in the country and organized by the federated clubs.

In 1992, the Club de Golf La Moraleja and Expo in Seville I developed the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PADDLE, with the participation of delegations from 11 countries in America and Europe. By 1996, Spain returned to host the III World Championship, held at the facilities of the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid, which beat record participation of countries. Spain currently holds the title of Runner's World.
since 1993 are held in Spain (Madrid) International Championships of Spain in the facilities of the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid, in the presence of the best players in the world. This tournament has become the most important internationally, both for its quality and the amount of awards.

Today, the paddle is spreading to different European countries, which have already formed their respective federations, which are achieving great success in the number of federal and construction, France, (which will host the next World in June 2000) Italy, Belgium, Britain and Austria. Spain in this sense has an important role in driving the paddle in Europe.

Despite being a relatively new sport and have some early elitist, paddle has become one of the ultimate racquet sport in our country. Easy and fun are the secrets of success.

Information taken from The Bible Paddle