"Fifteen years ago I decided that this fight was a collective struggle," said Paul Maroni, whose father was one of the disappeared in clandestine camps circuit Atlético-Bank- Olympus.
By Alejandra Dandan
President of the Court read the verdict. It was the day of the sentence of the 17 accused for the crimes of the circuit Atlético-Bank-Olympus. A few meters between the chairs of the camp survivors, relatives and members of human rights organizations, Paula Maroni heard again and again how fell the name of his father, the repressors were condemned by some victims, but in turn absolved by others. In the case of his father, at the beginning there were six defendants, but as it moved the decision-saparecían names on the list: "How ugly it sounded!" Says Paula, who finally heard the name of Juan Patricio as part of the sentence to life imprisonment for Julio Simón. "My father is a case that was not seen by many people, the only witness is my mom because Atletico is with him and my grandmother who witnessed the raid," she says, outside, the day of sentencing, my companions were concerned because they heard that fell from the convictions, but I was happy because fifteen years ago I decided that this fight was a collective struggle, and I said okay, the Tribunal has said the cases we recontraprobados!, the rest of left out, which is unobjectionable sentence. "
Nearly fifty repressors who was convicted of crimes against humanity should not be one more statistic. The statements that amounted to celebrities such as former President Jorge Rafael Videla and Luciano Benjamin Menendez in Cordoba and Samuel Miara, Julio Simon and Raul Guglielminetti in Buenos Aires, were also focus on lesser-known names: general perpetrators of repression, many courts for the first time and who are those who were on the other side of the bands of cloisonné, which kidnapped, tortured, relocated and executed the victims. For the complainants, ruling that ordered 12 of the 17 defendants to life imprisonment is making historic advances, but also the limits of criminal logic: among some silence to mark the sentences omit the condition of victims of political persecution or the idea of \u200b\u200bsomehow validate that without bodies is not possible to prove that the transfers were exterminations.
"The sentence is very important," said Ana Maria again Careaga as the first day. Ana Maria is a survivor of the circuit and was one of the engines of the case. "This was one of the first large trials of Comodoro Py: the first time that the repressive judges collectively as part of a circuit and that transcends each of the missing ABO and allows judges also a systematic plan to analyze the method used by all security forces. "
Olympus Athletic-Bank-operated clandestine camps were three police officers who worked mainly in succession, so they were moving to the victims. Ran from mid 1976 to early 1979. The trial began on 24 November 2009, 17 repressors judged by a total of 183 cases. "It was also very important for the scenario of Comodoro Py-Careaga, it opens still other statements that are coming in that scenario."
The verdict was met on Wednesday, the 12 perpetual reached Miara and Turco Julián, there were four sentences to 25 years in prison and an acquittal for Juan Carlos Falcon, known as "Kung Fu" by the martial way he had of beating detainees. Beyond the reasons why each is sentenced, reasons that will be available in March with the diffusion fundamentals, or whether it is true or not that in the case of Falcon weighed his alibi to the effect that, for the time, was custodian Albano Harguindeguy-staff when he heard the acquittal, Delia Barrera left the room crying to shut in the bathroom.
"I did not come, I could not," says Pagina/12. "Falcon was at my house, is the tortured us, cut us off from the cells with my first husband, who moved to him, the one who decides my freedom." The operation of the kidnapping was done in an apartment on Superí 135. Kung Fu first appeared among the men of the task force, described by Delia with slanted eyes, the tall and as the person who carried out their entire case in the field: from the interrogation to the transfers. "I feel pain and anger," he said, "what other proof I can give? I am very happy with the sentence, but I feel like I was with a choking in the throat Falcon, I gave enough proof, many of my peers also recognized him from pictures, but I do not care, there will be more and surely we will get to the ABO II. "
Some of that same feeling will soon be repeated Guglielminetti and Ricardo Taddei, who was extradited from Spain in 2007. Both were sentenced to 25 years in prison without sentences. Guglielminetti because he was convicted of murder and the rest, only secondary participant considered him among other things, it is assumed, because not placed in the three areas as claimed by the victims. A Taddei, because an agreement with Spain Argentina prevents the higher sanctions are permitted there. But beyond the reasons, that question is the logic of Criminal Justice is still asking for tangible evidence, causes and effects, as if no time had passed.
"It's the tool we have to prosecute these heinous crimes and these tools have their limitations," says Carey. "It need this kind of tools to judge a practice that was done in a clandestine manner, with clandestine camps, with repressors with nicknames, the names of the victims changed, so I think that twelve sentences are a step forward. "
The singling
Isabel Fernández Blanco is one of the witnesses with more statements on his back, six times in total. However, the experience is not enough: before this time was held for days persecuted by those fears that still weigh on the shoulders of the survivors: what happens if you forget something? Do any of the names of colleagues who did not return to the centers?, that promise to give each other, and that the commitment to fight for justice. The scare followed. One day before declaring visited an old classmate. Asked for help, pencil and paper and write down what I was saying. Spoke. Followed. Until that companion grabbed the list, doubled over and said, "You know what you have to do? Talk about what you lived. "
"I felt that the memories that I had erased suddenly appeared and I had to do with that for the first time I went there to talk to me," says Isabel. "When you're sentadito there is like the memories flow, and I I remembered things that even surprised me. "Among others, its place in the federal area Montoneros, in press. "I forgot to say that it was militant base, but I think the idea that we could say that militants were enabled to better the memory."
The logic of the case by case opened in court, as in Comodoro Py other processes, the ability to speak before the oppressors or the search for some actors such as prosecutors who tried to take for repression attempted to show the stories of life, the realization of the militants but mostly missing their political militancy , was what drew a new profile in court. Cases like Elizabeth, who until now was to talk about other victims, stories began to rebuild in the singular.
Miguel D'Agostino is one of those who are convinced we can talk of militancy was a feature of these trials. Survivor circuit, said in the eighties when the outbreak of the theory of the two demons will be offered the possibility of detainees who raised so forth. And when many were still suffering prison freed distance: control received calls, appointments ended in bars or prisoners. D'Agostino says the lawsuits began to recover the political past.
"I was surprised that the decision not to make any reference to political activism," he says, referring to other decisions that take as aggravating the condition of political victims. That feature was treated by Alejandro Alagia, the federal prosecutor. Assuming all risks for possible orders of invalidity, the prosecutor called for the punishment of genocide for all representation-for the first time a state agency and tried to explain to victims as part of a national policy with defined characteristics, victim a massacre. "It struck me that do not refer to it," said Michel, I think that is disappearing as an identity, social and political identity of the people. "
In the sentence there was another fact: the sentences were authorized for the twelve repressors linked as authors or coauthors of the murder of only five bodies that are appearing and identified in the case. Five victims identified in 2007 by the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team. Without bodies, the Criminal Justice or at least a part of it, as evidenced by this sentence, does not seem to be able to sentence to life imprisonment.
"Overall is a major accomplishment, but let me taste a little, "continues Michael," we are in the XXI century, we have lots of information and need to establish in greater detail than those who are not, for example, are missing, exterminated and killed to ensure impunity. "And he says:" We're still celebrating, we are not at the stage of analysis, these days was also ordered Videla, we are elated that: but we find it surprising, after thirty-odd years to see their faces so far we had only seen through whether or not to get up a band and risk going to the torture chamber. Or that because we knew someone was afraid to whisper some data and now to see them, how you're not going to celebrate! ".
"I believe that these cases go beyond the legal issue," again says Ana Maria Careaga. "I believe this society can not leave these judgments as input: none of those who are sitting at these stories that are unbearable goes well, they speak of humanity, and this is repeated at each point of the country where an event occurs justice. "
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