Monday, December 20, 2010

Samantha38g Clip Gratis

silence Extradited U.S.

The torturer Julio Simón, alias "El Turco Julián", known for his ferocity, he hid his eyes to the flashes. Samuel Miara, appropriates Reggiardo-Tolosa twins, he repeated that he had nothing to add. Have orders of life imprisonment.
By Alejandra Dandan

was one of the gods of Olympus. The guy who was adorned with crosses in the neck, and the Nazi symbol on a keychain. The man who organized wrestling for fun among the disappeared, the always faced two, two men or two women, rules that ran through his mind. Everything but not worth the fight, because when someone does not beat her, subjected them to a torture session. Julio Héctor Simón alias "Turco Julián", the same god of the underworld, he lowered his eyes when a photographer tried to portray Página/12 yesterday: Sitting among sixteen other repressors in one of the auditoriums of the Federal Courts of Comodoro Py, where it began the last day of trial for the crimes of the circuit Atlético-Bank-Olimpo, one day before the sentence that you hear today.

The repressors block sat behind Simon was in the front rows. A behind other stood at one end of the room altered by movement of the camera lens. One of the highest, the former Federal man Oscar Rolon, just sensed the shot turned quickly to get back, a position from which he improvised a saving chat with one of the colonels. In the courtroom, the Federal Court 2 Buenos Aires trying to connect to the repressor number 17: the appropriator Samuel Miara, chief guard of the three centers clandestine repressive and charged with misappropriation of twins Reggiardo-Tolosa. Police Hospital in Churruca, Miara follow the lead of trial by video conference.

Miara Sir, listen to me, asked the chairman of the Federal Court 2 repeatedly, and later returned to ask the same thing, but to know if, as had happened with each of the other defendants-was willing to say something . It was the last day of hearing. It had been about 80 days of debate and the arguments of the prosecutor's office accused of genocide and all the requested life imprisonment for the complaints. Miara, he said nothing, was the only one of the 17 who responded, however, with a little more than words: "All this has put my defense attorney said," therefore I have nothing to add " .

The trial for the crimes of the circuit known as ABO began on 24 November last year, in whom the accused is judged by 184 cases of kidnappings, tortures and killings. Most of the defendants are men of the Federal Police, but among them there are also men of the Prison Service, Prison Service and the Army were incorporated at different points in the opening of schools.

The first group was the Turk Julien Miara, Roberto Antonio Rosa, alias "Clavel" Eduardo Kalinek, alias "Dr K", Raul Gonzalez, alias "Black"; Ricardo Taddei, aka "Priest" or "Father", who was extradited in March 2007 from Spain, Juan Carlos Falcon, aka "Kung Fu" by way of beating detainees with ways of martial arts, Oscar Augusto Isidro Rolon, alias "Soler," the man who I wanted the photo, Eugenio Jorge Uballes, alias "little glasses," which also integrated Taddei troops Triple A, and Juan Carlos Donocik, alias "Polish Boy." The others are Juan Carlos Avena, alias "Captain Rye", the Prison Service; Apestegui Eugenio Perez, alias "Quintana", and William Victor Cardozo, alias "Cortez de Gendarmerie" Raul Guglielminetti, known as the "Mayor Guastavino, civil, intelligence, and former Enrique José del Pino, a retired lieutenant colonel and chief of GT2 task force that worked in the three centers. They are also accused Carlos Tepedino and Mario Gomez Arena.

"Each of them fulfilled various roles within the center, were there," said Michael D'Agostino Pagina/12 camp survivor. "They were over the two years he worked changing or alternating centers responsibilities."

Atletico worked on a farm in the Federal Police of police task forces since the mid of '76 to December '77, and was turned off by the construction of the highway May 25. The camp was moved temporarily to the Bank, at the intersection of Highway Riccheri with Belt Road, off of Bridge 12, until August 16, '78. From that day began to operate the Olympus in another property of the City, in Lacarra and Ramon L. Falcon, who was disabled in January 1979.

As happened yesterday, during the trial the defendants spoke barely. The pact of silence worked although not all had the same security force, a feature that in Cordoba, for example, he broke and prevented them from weave a common defensive strategy in pursuit of a defense, several spoke. In this case, no. And the members of the complaints are not surprising: "This shows that the cases of those who speak are exceptional," said Ana Maria Careaga Pagina/12. "And it debunks the possibility of a reconciliation based on the idea of \u200b\u200brepentance are unable to see responsibilities, should be tried and condemned." Ana Maria said that in general the repressors show an esprit de corps: a covenant of silence that even today we still meet. "For many years they can say what they know, the truth: they had the opportunity during the trials for the truth because the laws were in force for which they could be judged by ownership and real babies, but not for other crimes, but then also took care of business. "

Daniel explained that his brother Gustavo did not occupy important positions in the organization Montoneros, which joined in the last years of his life being democratic government official and then as the organizer of the Authentic Party in the Province of Santa Fe, developing their political work in the neighborhood front especially in Centennial neighborhood. Gustavo

Put graduated in Philosophy and a professor in several Universities Colleges Nacional del Litoral and Santa Fe Catholic "Today there are plaques on each of these houses of study as in the central hall of AmSafe teachers' union that rescue work of teachers committed to social change," he said.

Months before his abduction, in fact in June 1977, Gustavo Pon wrote in his diary a concept that summarizes the meaning of life, and is as follows: "I spent several years researching the most effective way to meet the Gospel mandate until I realized that love is a love gospel political, that the charity does not work because it humiliates and degrades, that freedom and salvation are the same thing. For what are we going to save or liberate people if you then have to serve the oppressive structures. "


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