repressors 16 were convicted and one was acquitted at trial for crimes in the CCD cometitos Arlet - Olympus Bank

The trial covered the 183 victims.
By Alejandra Dandan
was one of the gods of Olympus. One of the fiercest and torturers of the most emblematic of state terrorism. While Jorge Alberto Tassara letter by letter he read the sentence that the victims and their families waited for over thirty years, he rose from his chair to leave the room because just then needed to go to the bathroom. Soon after, with a recess through and hid his face while rolling around on the chair, the president of the Federal Court in February ended with the reading of the charges: July alias El Turco Julián Simón was sentenced to life imprisonment and perpetual disqualification as author five homicides ranked by treachery in competition with illegal deprivation of liberty and torture, deprivation of 74 events illegal torture and 89 aggravated crimes of torture and deprivation with the aggravating circumstance that the victims were kept captive for over a month. There was a unique and warm applause in the courtroom during the two hours of reading the verdict, was at that time.
The landmark decision by the crimes of the integrated circuit by the clandestine centers of the Bank-Atlético-Olympus finally arrived. At seven o'clock in the afternoon, the president of TOF 2 read the sentences for 16 of the 17 defendants repressors, as specified under "crimes against humanity for 183 cases. Turco behind Julian received the maximum sentence eleven other repressors, including the appropriator Samuel Miara and Oscar Augusto Rolón police entered the room with their hands up, waving enthusiastically to family and relatives of other defendants who were throwing kisses from the top floor. Four other repressors were sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with perpetual absolute disqualification, including Raul Guglielminetti. Juan Carlos Falcon aka "Kung Fu" was acquitted of charges and ordered his release.
After the verdict was read when it finally ended the trial that began on 24 November last year, including victims and witnesses was a sense of arrival, having reached a floor justice. In the courtroom heard "present, now and forever."
"Justice was done," he said to put things in place and before anything else Ana Maria Careaga, one of the survivors of the circuit and pillar in the vicissitudes of the trial. "Many people were sentenced to life imprisonment, perpetrators of these heinous crimes, but also the frustration because we had to endure in this repressor under the pseudonym of Kung Fu, but everything we have experienced conflicts with the parameters justice, holding that there is real that the person acted there. "
Despite the prosecution's request Alexander led all Alagia who asked the prosecution for the crime of genocide, the TOF 2 issued a statement that the complaints considered technically correct. The Court chose the formula of "crimes against humanity" to position and justify the convictions.
give life sentences to the Court considered it established the crime of murder aggravated by treachery. This offense is able to incorporate in the course of the trial because five bodies of victims who had gone through the camps were identified by the Argentine Team of Forensic Anthropology in 2007.
that accusation came in the appropriator Samuel Miara who was chief of the guard of the three centers clandestine repressive and charged by the appropriation of the twins Reggiardo-Tolosa. As it has done in recent hearings, the hearing continued to look through a display connected to the police hospital Churruca. The Court sentenced him to life imprisonment and disqualification for the killings. In addition, he was sentenced for 58 acts of unlawful deprivation of liberty and aggravated torments and 81 other cases where the aggravating feature was added the victims have maintained for over a month deprived of their liberty. The same kind of charge was repeated by most of the repressors. The
Guglielminetti case was different. He received a sentence less than that expected. The Court sentenced him to 25 years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and co-author of torture in a case and engaged in 22 secondary unlawful acts of torture and aggravated child and as a participant in another 46 where the action included as aggravated kidnapping more than a month in captivity. The reasons why the two TOF thereby sentenced him will be announced on March 22, when reading the basics of sentence. The complaints and the prosecution yesterday made some assumptions, including that the Court assessed the former intelligence officer of Battalion 601 as someone who was not assigned permanently to the field.
Another life but was not sentenced to 25 years in prison but is accused of five murders is Ricardo Taddei. The repressor was extradited from Spain and under the agreement with that country, Argentina is committed to not taking to life in prison.
Another particular case was that of Lieutenant Colonel (r) Enrique José del Pino Task Force chief GT2, sentenced to life imprisonment for cases listed as homicide and murder of Charles Fassano and Révora De Lucia Pedro. With del Pino were convicted of the same crimes to 25 years in prison Carlos Alberto Teppedino-on whom the Court ordered the urgent arrest, and Mario Gomez Arena.
The decision to release the Falcon will be appealed. Despite that, last night between Página/12 respondents were assessed by some explanations. One was that the judges had given one of the valid excuse of the "Kung Fu" in the center that he can prove in the debate during that period was assigned to the personal custody of Albano Harguindeguy. Despite that, there are witnesses who are located within schools and who might argue, as they did last night, if that same proximity to the former interior minister is not empowered to participate in torture.
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