a Caesar Simon alias "Turco Julián" . Known for his victims for their anti-Semitism. He wore a ring with a swastika. He related his experience as a torturer before TV cameras and already has two convictions under his belt: one for the disappearance of the family Poblete and one for the kidnapping of a militant group Montoneros who returned home in the context of its counteroffensive operation . Yesterday was his third conviction. He got life.

2 Raul Gonzalez, alias "Mayor Raul" or "The Black" . From the Federal Police, was the second leader in the field and participated in interrogatorios.Perpetua.
3 J uan Carlos Avena, alias "Captain Rye." Adjuntor As principal of the Prison Service was involved in the organization and direction of the Olympus. Perpetua.
4 Eufemio Jorge Uballes, alias "Quiroga little glasses" or "Fuehrer" . Former Commissioner of the Federal Police Argentina. He was one of those charged with "transfer" of detainees. Several of the stories of the survivors remember him making them say "Heil Hitler" while being tortured. Perpetua.

6 Roberto Antonio Rosa, alias "Clavel" . It was designated as a member of the task forces circuit depended on the Security Superintendence of the Federal Police. Rosa rose to fame because it was connected with the judge Norberto Oyarbide in the scandal on the protection of brothels. Happened before the Law Department Special (illegal gambling) for three years and during that time was investigated for alleged illicit enrichment. Perpetua.
7 G uillermo Victor Cardozo, aka "Cortez" . Former policeman. He devoted himself to indoctrinate Campo de Mayo at the guards of the clandestine centers not to talk of the crimes with anyone. During the '90s was senior commander until 1998 was deputy chief of the Region II (Rosario) Gendarmerie. Perpetua.
8 Apestegui Eugenio Perez, alias "Quintana" . Another former gendarme. Survivors remember him with hair gel and tacos, on small horse complex. Forced abductees to inhuman physical exertion, listening to speeches by Hitler and lyrics Nino Bravo. He was one of the few who spoke during the investigation: he said that the center met only "security features on a military target." Perpetua.
9 Enrique José Del Pino, alias "Michael" . Army captain Intelligence Battalion 601, Del Pino began his career in 1975 under the command of Antonio Domingo Bussi and Adel Vilas, in Tucumán. He went on to become head of the task force operating in the Bank and Olympians. He was arrested in 2007 after spending a year and a half run. Perpetua.
10 Samuel Miara, alias "Cobani" . Former deputy chief of the guard of three clandestine centers. Testimonies of survivors say Miara violated several of the detained and beat a woman kicked seven months pregnant. In 1998 he was sentenced to twelve years imprisonment for misappropriation of twins Matthew and Re-ggiardo Gonzalo Tolosa, who raised her as their own. Perpetua.
11 Isidro Augusto Oscar Rolon, alias "Soler" . Tortured detainees with batons and boasted of being infiltrated in the Faculty of Law. The maid who in 2007 confirmed his view that preventive detention would held "direct contact" with the victims, which "suggests that you understand the aspects of the last phase (the de-saparición people) of the criminal maneuvers." Perpetua.
12 Luis Juan Donocik, alias "Polish Boy" . Retired Commissioner of the Federal Police. Part of the group of guards called "locks", responsible for preventing the hostages to speak and take them to the torture room. Before retiring he was responsible for the 48 th station. Was connected to the private security company Segar SA. Perpetua.
Raúl Antonio Guglielminetti 13, alias "Gustavino" or "Mayor Gustavino" . Former civilian intelligence officer of the Army. Acted as a repressor in at least six clandestine centers and early '80s turned to kidnappings for ransom. After the return to democracy was custodian of former President Raul Alfonsin. He was arrested in August 2008. Condendo was 25 years.
14 Mario Alberto Gómez Arenas. was head of Intelligence Detachment 103 of the Federal Capital from 1979 to 1981. In 2008 he was convicted for his role as head of Task Force 182, Neuquén with two of his former subordinates. 25.
15 Ricardo Taddei, aka "Priest" or " Father. " Integrated the "street gangs" that applied torture. Then he offered as a confessor in captivity to provide punishment and absolution, even brought a TV to Olympus to see the hostages Sunday mass. In April 2007, was extradited from Spain, where he lived for twenty years. 25.
16 Carlos Alberto Roque Tepedino. fundamental part in the intelligence of the army. Between 1975 and 1977 he was director of internal intelligence SIDE. From '78 to '79 led the Intelligence Battalion 601. He retired in '81, but until the end of the dictatorship he served as director general of Homeland Security. Once democracy, followed by "serving" as seconded to the Department of Computer Science at the command of the Army. 25.
17 Juan Carlos Falcon, aka "Kung Fu". Guard karate, skilled in martial arts. The survivors identified him as a participant in the "transfer" and was remembered because no one could mourn his guards. Former custodian of Albano Harguindeguy, used to abuse women abducted. Yesterday, the court found that there was insufficient evidence to convict him. He was acquitted.
The sentence left several questions in the air. Among others, why the court did not punish with the maximum penalty of disappearances in the absence of bodies.
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