I also dislike.
reading it, however, with perfect contempt,
is discovered in it, after all, a place for the genuine.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Womens White Nike Greco
Blessed be the author
that supports what the arrogant do not support,
not comply. Blessed is the man misfit.
Blessed is the man whose faith is different
of the parent-which does not mold "the mere appearance of things',
not conceive of defeat, too given to be discouraged;
whose eye has seen the light beam that gilds the tower of the Sultan.
(From "Blessed is the man )
Blessed be the author
that supports what the arrogant do not support,
not comply. Blessed is the man misfit.
Blessed is the man whose faith is different
of the parent-which does not mold "the mere appearance of things',
not conceive of defeat, too given to be discouraged;
whose eye has seen the light beam that gilds the tower of the Sultan.
(From "Blessed is the man )
Monday, March 29, 2010
Example Letter Of Disconnection
wars if not love the company.
weapons if they are not the words.
men Tristes
if they do not die of love.
wars if not love the company.
weapons if they are not the words.
men Tristes
if they do not die of love.
7.4 Blood Sugar, Aftermeals
Eutimio THE EYES OF MIGUEL HERNANDEZ (the euthymic)
Some people approach me and say, "I'm sorry Eutimio." It makes me more sorry Miguel Hernandez, who lives in his readers and who has tried Eutimio step degrade and grow at their expense.
If Eutimio Martin has been allowed the luxury of writing seven hundred pages long tales about someone who I appreciate, I have a right to my turn to take my job of writing seven hundred pages with my views on their misleading assertions
EXTRACT FROM Bodri at hand:
"The biographer has, therefore, to choose a kind of rainbow color ranges from dark to light green, to blue. What to do? On the one hand we have the testimony of those close, close friends, his own wife. The eyes may vary in color, but merely tweaking, not to an extent. In good logic, the biographer has no choice but to comply with the testimony of professionals (military, prison tab), makers of the official record precisely the color of the eyes. Dark, then, to a greater or lesser degree, ie brown or brown. But neither green nor blue. "
Well, Eutimio. Bone. Is that what you call "good logic?
What Josephine, his wife, had no right to say that his eyes were bright green? Not even his close friend, Vicente Aleixandre, believed that "crystal clear blue as two stones", ie clear? "Not Buero Vallejo when he drew?
The reason, in this small detail about the color of the eyes of Miguel Hernandez, has, according to your "great logic," Eutimio, the police report, the military, the entry written by someone looking for a second without depth or attention, and who does not care the least, over what they say his wife and friends?
"His own wife did not know the color of his eyes, Eutimio?
Swamps waddle through which your mind is to me, Eutimio Martin, a m istry inscrutable.
Some people approach me and say, "I'm sorry Eutimio." It makes me more sorry Miguel Hernandez, who lives in his readers and who has tried Eutimio step degrade and grow at their expense.
If Eutimio Martin has been allowed the luxury of writing seven hundred pages long tales about someone who I appreciate, I have a right to my turn to take my job of writing seven hundred pages with my views on their misleading assertions
EXTRACT FROM Bodri at hand:
"The biographer has, therefore, to choose a kind of rainbow color ranges from dark to light green, to blue. What to do? On the one hand we have the testimony of those close, close friends, his own wife. The eyes may vary in color, but merely tweaking, not to an extent. In good logic, the biographer has no choice but to comply with the testimony of professionals (military, prison tab), makers of the official record precisely the color of the eyes. Dark, then, to a greater or lesser degree, ie brown or brown. But neither green nor blue. "
Well, Eutimio. Bone. Is that what you call "good logic?
What Josephine, his wife, had no right to say that his eyes were bright green? Not even his close friend, Vicente Aleixandre, believed that "crystal clear blue as two stones", ie clear? "Not Buero Vallejo when he drew?
The reason, in this small detail about the color of the eyes of Miguel Hernandez, has, according to your "great logic," Eutimio, the police report, the military, the entry written by someone looking for a second without depth or attention, and who does not care the least, over what they say his wife and friends?
"His own wife did not know the color of his eyes, Eutimio?
Swamps waddle through which your mind is to me, Eutimio Martin, a m istry inscrutable.
Friday, March 26, 2010
How Do You Get Primer Off
Entry for Miguel Hernandez without Eutimio in another blog
Three verses of the young Miguel
whisper that I speak very little soul
those who know nothing of our
Three verses of the young Miguel
whisper that I speak very little soul
those who know nothing of our
long conversations
Monday, March 22, 2010
How To Hack A 09 Sidekick
"Rage Eutimia" is a new concept I just coined a new Eumenides.
It is said of the anger that pervades all readers with guts to read or browse the book Eutimio nefarious Martin.
Although I have left to die and now I read the biography of Miguel Hernandez's not as sweet Ferris, an event of this has forced me to remember the insistence on holding Eutimio Miguel Hernandez "was not as poor "and that the issue of poverty was a publicity stunt. Ferris takes the testimony of Main, one of his contemporaries:
"As I watched the goats, Miguel he began to write poems in brown paper, that of the trade"
"Rage Eutimia" is a new concept I just coined a new Eumenides.
It is said of the anger that pervades all readers with guts to read or browse the book Eutimio nefarious Martin.
Although I have left to die and now I read the biography of Miguel Hernandez's not as sweet Ferris, an event of this has forced me to remember the insistence on holding Eutimio Miguel Hernandez "was not as poor "and that the issue of poverty was a publicity stunt. Ferris takes the testimony of Main, one of his contemporaries:
"As I watched the goats, Miguel he began to write poems in brown paper, that of the trade"
Saturday, March 20, 2010
What Is The Price Of Plan B At Walmart
Although this blog is the most visited of the two, each Once you install a photo the screen shakes like jelly. Besides, I can reorder the images. For example, three of the last entry should be placed upside down, with Tintin in last place. So I return to again: blancaandreublog.blogspot.com
Although this blog is the most visited of the two, each Once you install a photo the screen shakes like jelly. Besides, I can reorder the images. For example, three of the last entry should be placed upside down, with Tintin in last place. So I return to again: blancaandreublog.blogspot.com
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Can You Die From A Purple Nurple
"After collecting autobiographical information and testimony, the biographer has to deal with the claim Umberto Eco:
data mean nothing if not built a hypothesis
In building this inexcusable hypothesis plays a role that biography is also a biography of the writer "
(Eutimio Martin. Introduction to" The Office of poet Miguel Hernandez. "Pg.23)
we finished , Eutimio! Ah, now I get it! turns out that what you have committed is your own life! ... ummm .... and everything fits perfectly ... your text box divinely now ... you're the one who "lies with staggering audacity" ... you swill is the result of a clever startup operation. " Are your "propaganda maneuvers" a masterpiece of marketing, "you're the one who will call themselves professor in exile" by way of advertising slogan. " "THE unhealthy obsession for attention AS, highlighting common mortals OF" is yours, not Ramón Sijé, just as it is yours and not Miguel Hernandez's "undoubted promotional savvy." We see that this brand image you (we) should "
Indeed, we have evidence of witnesses, Eutimio, which together with the documentary
confirm your own autobiographical statement and condemn you.
a little bird has told us divinely accredited informed this court that you had finished a long time your Hernandiana libel, and you've waited until the centenary to exploit the situation and forrarte.
(Below, a letter from a professor of literature without borders)
"After collecting autobiographical information and testimony, the biographer has to deal with the claim Umberto Eco:
data mean nothing if not built a hypothesis
In building this inexcusable hypothesis plays a role that biography is also a biography of the writer "
(Eutimio Martin. Introduction to" The Office of poet Miguel Hernandez. "Pg.23)
we finished , Eutimio! Ah, now I get it! turns out that what you have committed is your own life! ... ummm .... and everything fits perfectly ... your text box divinely now ... you're the one who "lies with staggering audacity" ... you swill is the result of a clever startup operation. " Are your "propaganda maneuvers" a masterpiece of marketing, "you're the one who will call themselves professor in exile" by way of advertising slogan. " "THE unhealthy obsession for attention AS, highlighting common mortals OF" is yours, not Ramón Sijé, just as it is yours and not Miguel Hernandez's "undoubted promotional savvy." We see that this brand image you (we) should "
Indeed, we have evidence of witnesses, Eutimio, which together with the documentary
confirm your own autobiographical statement and condemn you.
a little bird has told us divinely accredited informed this court that you had finished a long time your Hernandiana libel, and you've waited until the centenary to exploit the situation and forrarte.
(Below, a letter from a professor of literature without borders)
What Does It Mean To Masterrbate?
Eutimio MARTIN, libel
had already read your blog do the analysis Eutimio biography of Martin and it seemed to me outrageous. So I delved into the internet and I could see it proudly displayed the gentleman in the interviews of all the atrocities he says. In this newspaper Público, rogue calls it "because he always wanted to make a living as a poet." Here is the link so you can see for yourself:
This Graciet of "rogue" repeated on other occasions with similar words. Rogue because he wants to live in his poetry ... as Juan Ramon, and Federico, as Rilke ... Is the limit! As you know I've been studying the way the Rinconete picaresque, I will say that among the various sorts of rogues who were in the Golden Age is not mentioned poets, however one of the jobs they do Monipodio and his followers is the publication on behalf of libel ("Nibel" they say in their language paperback) to discredit to a gentleman. Who is the rogue?
also has been very hurtful to me the irony is that the words of Josefina Hernandez, when he gave the manuscript of the poems and asked them to keep them because they were bread for their children. "I do not have anything to say wryly that not only gave the bread to his wife but his daughter caviar," says MS EFE. Here is the link of digital Truth:
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What Episode Do Vegeta And Bulma Fall In Love
Tartaglia testimony "that the souls of the oppressors to rot in hell" Two letters of Lucia
Victoria: the family of Lucia Tartaglia lived a week of strong emotions. His brother Aldo, testified in court against the oppressors who kept in captivity and were responsible for her disappearance. "I crossed (the picture) my sister smiling, and I made the V for victory. I do not know why I did it. It was not me, it was my sister, "he told El Diario. Aldo, along with her sister Graciela and her niece Lucy, who is named in honor of her aunt disappeared, toured the facilities of Olympus and Esma.
"I wish that the souls of the oppressors to rot in hell," said Aldo Tartaglia. Beside him, his sister Grace, nods. Lucia's brothers are Tartaglia and still hope to find the missing son of the Pampa was born in captivity during the military dictatorship.
Wednesday, Aldo said in Buenos Aires to Comodoro Py court in the trial against fifteen repressors acting in the garage "Olympus." That was the clandestine center of detention last Lucia. From there came the pains of childbirth to the Military Hospital. Never again.
Aldo told yesterday that when he sat down to testify Oscar Rolon repressor stared coldly. He kept his gaze. When he rose from his chair, after giving his testimony, went before him to leave the room and greeted him with their fingers in "V". Among the groups, mothers and grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo was applauded.
"I do not know why I did it. I crossed my sister smiling. It was not me. It was was Lucia, yesterday told Aldo as tears streaked her face. She is 54 years. Graciela, 55. Lucia was the oldest, now have 56.
"While we are alive we will find. After our children will be able to look at his cousin. But we will not give up, no matter what, "said Graciela (55) about the child that Lucy was in captivity. They have no definitive data, they only know he was born in early 1979 and that she wanted to call Mary Victoria and Maria Laura if Sebastian was a baby or if it was male.
- Why after declaring went to visit the facilities of Olympus (currently held by human rights groups)? Asked The Daily Aldo.
"My sister already knew. I had promised to go. If you do not go was unforgivable.
- What is the crossed your mind?
"My desire was to go and shout with all my sister's name. Do not know why. But I did. I saw where my sister slept, where the tortured, those walls are impregnated with the cries of pain, tears, always called mercy or leniency and torturers were torturing or murdering people.
- What is your wish right now?
-Find my nephew or niece and the remains of my sister. After that, the soul of the repressors to rot in hell, nothing else. And never again anything like this in Argentina.
- Despite the intervening years is hopeful to find the son of Lucia?
-Si. It is the latest to be lost.
- What do you think of the attitudes that society takes on these cases?
"There are some who follow the cause, remember the disappeared, others try to forget or be absent-minded, and others claim the coup. It is sad, with so many military coups that have had to repeat the same mistakes. The only way a country forward is democracy, although there are some who do not like who is in power. It is the only way to live in harmony.
- What caught the attention of the trial?
"When I entered the first thing that struck me was that the repressor Rolon, with his impeccable suit, stared at me and I'll stare until I sat down. I wonder if those suits are the product of the spoils of war when they went to kidnap people. They are a human scourge and will go down in history. When finished, the same people's court requesting that embraced me. And they cried together with me. I do not understand anything ...
- Why what did the "V" for victory when he went against Rolon?
-I clarify that because I do not know why I made the "V" for victory. At that moment I crossed my sister, smiling, and then I made the "V" for victory. I crossed, I stood before me. That is why I said to Mario (Canoba) that I had not been. It was my sister ...
History Of Afro Dancing Outfit
Never Dreamed You'd
& n bsp; (From Song and Ballads of Absence)
came with three wounds:
of love,
of death, of life.
comes with three wounds:
of life, of love
the death. Three injured
of life,
the death, of love
(Miguel Hernandez)
& n bsp; (From Song and Ballads of Absence)
came with three wounds:
of love,
of death, of life.
comes with three wounds:
of life, of love
the death. Three injured
of life,
the death, of love
(Miguel Hernandez)
Buffalo Skin Moccasins
Tartagia unknown Witness for Justice
are two letters of the late Lucia santarroseña Tartaglia are preserved and are in the hands of his family. Are the two that the Federal Court 2 Buenos Aires, who judges the oppressors who kidnapped, tortured and disappeared to the girl asked her brother, Aldo, when he declared on Wednesday during hearings and unaware of their existence. It was in the context of investigating the causes that happened in secret detention centers Atletico, The Bank and the Olympus, which worked during the last military dictatorship.
The letters written from captivity are the most important data is the family to contribute to the cause. The letters came to him in December 1978 his mother, Maria Lopez, who kept them ever since and had circulated among some people during the 80s. As was established, Lucia after being kidnapped in November 1977 and be in captivity, he began to have another scheme in the clandestine detention center Olympus and was able to send and receive mail. Tartaglia had studied law in La Plata and was active in the Peronist revolution. The two letters handwritten by the former, were delivered through the family of another kidnapped woman named Gonzalez. Lucia told that there was stopped and asked her mother wrote. La Pampa also recounts the second letter her pregnancy, the product of the relationship with another detainee, and he was going to give birth in February 1979. What could be established by the testimony of other former political prisoners was that after the birth of their son or daughter, who today is still sought, in the Military Hospital, was disappeared by the oppressors.
Letters 78.
The first letter is dated December 6, 1978. Lucia in the text says: "Dear Mom: After a year I can write you a letter. I'm fine, sorely missed, thinking of the day I can be with you again." "I am a group of people, all very nice person, which are teaching me to live differently, to want things that did not give them or ball. "You suck, how are you? Are you still sick? When are you going to do a treatment and go to heal completely? "Grace, and walk? Not married yet? And Lalo? (...) Is it made a man? "." Business as follow? Although Grace in front I think the question is more does not it? After a year it costs me enough to write this letter mommy, I hope your answer is long, long, tell me a lot of things, things that have happened all along. Need much write me Mommy please do it please!. Well, mommy, a big kiss to all of you, Mary Lis and Lilia. I love them. Lucia ", he stated. In the post data indicated that he would send a card" painted by people who have no hands and paints with his mouth .
The second letter, which can not be dated, but it would be December 1978, days after sending the first, and is more revealing.
Indicates the text: " (going to) be a grandmother I'm going to have a child in early February. Perhaps at this time communications were cut that lead me to another place, but do not worry I am going to resume again. "Do not fall back please! Digerilo slowly! Going to be a grandmother. What? And my brothers uncles. Did not expect this right? I am very cute, weight 60 kilos or I have gained 1 kg per month. I'm not fat, I have only a drum belly barbarian! "." When I took half rough pregnancy, for the three months I had to operate for appendicitis, then I got blood and was anemic, with a calcium-based treatment , iron shots, I spent quite a bit. After by pregnancy, I have a little blow but the doctor told me is the product of pregnancy and then I will go. Also I have to go with diuretics, fluid accumulation. "Now I work at the office, I do nothing, as I began to fuck the kidneys and I can not sit more than four hours. But even if you have painted a gloomy picture so do not be afraid I'm very well, were only problems that had arisen during the pregnancy. It moves a lot, a fetus is very vital, so I have no fear of childbirth. If baby is going to call: Maria Laura Maria Victoria or if male and Sebastian Do you like? "." For baby clothes and stuff do not worry I have enough, is the most used, but that's also going to be born in midsummer, it takes a lot. I want to be male, but I have a baby that will be. "" What about mom, with year-end surprise that I give? I've done some batitas are very nice! You mami, pray much for the two can be home with you, Grace and Lalo and living the five well "." The letter you sent me, very nice, everyone read it and was you happy with what you have mother flower! I said. (...) Mommy, you have to heal and be well, you have to be a grandmother and the most beautiful mother in the world for when we go Do not let be! We are two that you want, along with my brothers. "A big kiss and Lilia Mary Lis, tell them that they do not I can, but send a written page in your letter, as they did. There, the cards may take a while, but you do not worry just write me receive them. (...) A big kiss and Grace Lalo (future uncles) and for you a million kisses and hugs from your daughter who loves you and every day I thank God for the mother who has ", indicating Lucy in her last contact with his mother.
are two letters of the late Lucia santarroseña Tartaglia are preserved and are in the hands of his family. Are the two that the Federal Court 2 Buenos Aires, who judges the oppressors who kidnapped, tortured and disappeared to the girl asked her brother, Aldo, when he declared on Wednesday during hearings and unaware of their existence. It was in the context of investigating the causes that happened in secret detention centers Atletico, The Bank and the Olympus, which worked during the last military dictatorship.
The letters written from captivity are the most important data is the family to contribute to the cause. The letters came to him in December 1978 his mother, Maria Lopez, who kept them ever since and had circulated among some people during the 80s. As was established, Lucia after being kidnapped in November 1977 and be in captivity, he began to have another scheme in the clandestine detention center Olympus and was able to send and receive mail. Tartaglia had studied law in La Plata and was active in the Peronist revolution. The two letters handwritten by the former, were delivered through the family of another kidnapped woman named Gonzalez. Lucia told that there was stopped and asked her mother wrote. La Pampa also recounts the second letter her pregnancy, the product of the relationship with another detainee, and he was going to give birth in February 1979. What could be established by the testimony of other former political prisoners was that after the birth of their son or daughter, who today is still sought, in the Military Hospital, was disappeared by the oppressors.
Letters 78.
The first letter is dated December 6, 1978. Lucia in the text says: "Dear Mom: After a year I can write you a letter. I'm fine, sorely missed, thinking of the day I can be with you again." "I am a group of people, all very nice person, which are teaching me to live differently, to want things that did not give them or ball. "You suck, how are you? Are you still sick? When are you going to do a treatment and go to heal completely? "Grace, and walk? Not married yet? And Lalo? (...) Is it made a man? "." Business as follow? Although Grace in front I think the question is more does not it? After a year it costs me enough to write this letter mommy, I hope your answer is long, long, tell me a lot of things, things that have happened all along. Need much write me Mommy please do it please!. Well, mommy, a big kiss to all of you, Mary Lis and Lilia. I love them. Lucia ", he stated. In the post data indicated that he would send a card" painted by people who have no hands and paints with his mouth .
The second letter, which can not be dated, but it would be December 1978, days after sending the first, and is more revealing.
Indicates the text: " (going to) be a grandmother I'm going to have a child in early February. Perhaps at this time communications were cut that lead me to another place, but do not worry I am going to resume again. "Do not fall back please! Digerilo slowly! Going to be a grandmother. What? And my brothers uncles. Did not expect this right? I am very cute, weight 60 kilos or I have gained 1 kg per month. I'm not fat, I have only a drum belly barbarian! "." When I took half rough pregnancy, for the three months I had to operate for appendicitis, then I got blood and was anemic, with a calcium-based treatment , iron shots, I spent quite a bit. After by pregnancy, I have a little blow but the doctor told me is the product of pregnancy and then I will go. Also I have to go with diuretics, fluid accumulation. "Now I work at the office, I do nothing, as I began to fuck the kidneys and I can not sit more than four hours. But even if you have painted a gloomy picture so do not be afraid I'm very well, were only problems that had arisen during the pregnancy. It moves a lot, a fetus is very vital, so I have no fear of childbirth. If baby is going to call: Maria Laura Maria Victoria or if male and Sebastian Do you like? "." For baby clothes and stuff do not worry I have enough, is the most used, but that's also going to be born in midsummer, it takes a lot. I want to be male, but I have a baby that will be. "" What about mom, with year-end surprise that I give? I've done some batitas are very nice! You mami, pray much for the two can be home with you, Grace and Lalo and living the five well "." The letter you sent me, very nice, everyone read it and was you happy with what you have mother flower! I said. (...) Mommy, you have to heal and be well, you have to be a grandmother and the most beautiful mother in the world for when we go Do not let be! We are two that you want, along with my brothers. "A big kiss and Lilia Mary Lis, tell them that they do not I can, but send a written page in your letter, as they did. There, the cards may take a while, but you do not worry just write me receive them. (...) A big kiss and Grace Lalo (future uncles) and for you a million kisses and hugs from your daughter who loves you and every day I thank God for the mother who has ", indicating Lucy in her last contact with his mother.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Ccreat Your Own Wwe Belt
< div style = "text-align: justify">
Arriving at the pg 88 of its snafu Eutimio Martin accuses the poet of a great indignity, which exceeds all limits on lies and has not the slightest foundation, as you will see
< div style = "text-align: justify">
Arriving at the pg 88 of its snafu Eutimio Martin accuses the poet of a great indignity, which exceeds all limits on lies and has not the slightest foundation, as you will see
Case Miguel Hernandez is attending a gathering at the bakery Carlos Fenoll, who had a little sister who had done amateur theater and wrote a few verses. This girl, Josefina Fenoll, Ramon's girlfriend was Sijé dear friend Miguel Hernandez. When he died Sijé, Miguel Hernandez not only gave him his famous elegy, but he wrote one for her.
Consider this simple story through prose unbearable EM:
" In the regular presence of Miguel in the bakery is probably extraliterary reason: the presence of Josefina Fenoll"
( Warn to all this, how bad she writes: presence / presence)
After deciding that she was very attractive because it also composed verses, says without, as always, no test:
"It's hard imagine that such an affinity with personal and physical attractiveness was not in love with her Miguel "
So far, it is clear that so far everything is figurations Eutimio Martin. But soon, as is the transformed into reality by Article Seven:
" This frustrated love (. .)"
Do you see how simple? is the art of misrepresentation. From there, the mind malicious and mischievous biographer gives us one of his most filthy assumptions, yacketayakking without no control with the elegy dedicated to Josefina Fenoll, which begins:
"I have already hoarse and I have the soul
hoarse moan music the treacherous ...
Arrímate to mourn me a tree:
retire me to the field and cry the bloody
shade of a pomegranate
torn love like you now "
I still can not believe I finish reading my eyes on the pg 89 of the biography that being perpetrated.
verse, which any normal person, and has been read since it was composed "feel they have sprung from the depths of the soul distressed poet, which are full of truth and touched by the muse, are interpreted by Martin as follows Eutimio
"The first of the triplets ends: " Arrímate to mourn with me a trunk. "and refers to the following verse:" retire me to the field and cries .
The two lines will become independent and juxtaposed, merging into the Verse 10: " arrímate, retire with me "
The appeal seems to surpass the limits of a simple and rather friendly relationship would seem a solicitation irrepressible love.
The suspicion is confirmed in the final trio, which fuses into a "our cry" tears of each individual and expresses the poet's deep desire to see it included in its job of delivery boy bread, shepherd's condition, forming groups with him
Retire until you see me
our grass crying to the rocks
leaving the bread shepherds
Oh, Eutimio Eutimio. What fatiguitas give us, crazy head. Want we create, just like that, because it has happened to the little brain in your head, Miguel Hernández, singing the death of his friend, was making overtures to the widow girlfriend? really want to think that such touching verses are an "irrepressible solicitation" , or said in plain, which is there saying that he wanted to Josefina Fenoll practically buzzing over the tomb of Ramon Sijé?
So Miguel Hernandez was a scavenger vulture of the worst braise, capable of any meanness and without the least manly well and we had not noticed?
Oh, Eutimio Eutimio.
Now I'm going to imagine for yourself, and likely to appear and suspicion and all the paraphernalia that you support your hypotheses wisdom, some things that come to mind. I imagine just a little ..... ummm .... ummmm .... already ..... ah .... ummm ... my musings ... on you ... or .... Eutimio Eutimio .... I have inspired a couple of .. little questions .... ah ... by ... ah ... so to speak:
And will not rather Eutimio that you, Eutimio you and not the poet, Eutimio you and not Miguel Hernandez, would be able to do that and so I imagine and not endorse the poet as a parcel bomb?
You're not you rather Eutimio you and not the poet, who has the heart of carrion vulture and the child has no manhood right?
Behind Rebel Lines Chapter Summary
Eutimio downloads with words how are you:
"The title of" pastor-poet "or" poet-shepherd, "as characterized by (¿?), was relieved a kind of brand that he invented to turn heads. Disguised pastor got conciliate (...)" Aleixandre, Neruda and
And then goes and says "He was a shepherd, of course, but of the goats of his father"
Ah. What horror. In that case, how dare you say that was a keeper?
"Miguel Hernandez blackened, when it suited him, a situation already deplorable. (...)"
Apparently, Miguel Hernandez wrote to Charles Rodriguez Spiteri, talking about his release from prison in Palencia:
"sick and I had to leave with a very large hemorrhage"
has Eutimio collected the testimony another inmate, Melchizedek Chaos Rodriguez, who blindly believes Eutimio when he has not separated from Michael. And when he says:
"We were ten in the cell and an accident (?) And could not go unnoticed. Given the promiscuity, someone had seen and what others have referred to. In Anyway, I accompanied him to the rake I can assure you out of jail visibly ill "
Eutimio, which does not grant the presumption of innocence to the poet in any case not considered not only someone can silence their fevers, pains or even bleeding, modesty.
The greatest fallacy is in the interpretation of the phrase "I had to sick leave ...", by including the testimony of someone who him to the exit but not went with him and could not see his status from that moment to argue that the poet was "blackening the situation."
Eutimio This says, despite knowing that he died of tuberculosis. It is logical to think he could have then your first hemoptysis, but logic will Eutimio Martin do not care: to what interests him is to degrade the poet and attribute a mean temper.
Eutimio This says, despite knowing that he died of tuberculosis. It is logical to think he could have then your first hemoptysis, but logic will Eutimio Martin do not care: to what interests him is to degrade the poet and attribute a mean temper.
by pg 125, and the matter goes in crescendo. These pearls poisoned you enter here appear before pg 20. Little by little, it became loose and he writes meanness such as
"With a very modern way of advertising, Miguel Hernandez was manufactured propaganda image of" poet-shepherd, lying with overwhelming effrontery on their material "(pg 52)
because his father had lied about eighty goats and sheep, plus land rented from others who raise goats fattened and sent his brother Barcelona Corro, for this to sell them. (The rental system, he practiced with my grandparents in Hurchillo land, is told in another blog)
irrefutablea One provides evidence to support a family that was "wealthy," is that album had Photo (sic)
irrefutablea One provides evidence to support a family that was "wealthy," is that album had Photo (sic)
however, declines very well to say to a lot of pages later to what extent did the disaster family finances when I run Hernández Gilabert died and ceased to be possible to obtain shipments to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat the time that had to be positioned Elvirita seamstress and Miguel Hernandez (fourteen years, his first top prizes in high school that did not finish) was taken by his father's college of Santo Domingo to graze.
also fails to tell us that Vincent, the brother of Miguel Hernandez, pastors from the five years. Something not very normal family "rich"
also fails to tell us that Vincent, the brother of Miguel Hernandez, pastors from the five years. Something not very normal family "rich"
Vicente Hernandez, nephew the poet, told me that Michael worked several months as a typist in a law firm, having done so years as a pastor. I still have not reached that stage biography, which surely has given this man the stand for further insult. I do not know if support will achieve his prose, so insidious, twisted and vulgar.
Nazi Propaganda Card Stacking
How does a snake just seventeen bells?
say it best with a hoe.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Ishupokemon Plush Forlowprices
Match Penagos (part of the previous entry)
I'm reading a defamatory and infamous biography of Miguel Hernandez, published opportunistically to mark the centenary by one Eutimio Martin, and between the scurrilous statements about the noble poet pours pastor teens find these verses written by Hernandez:
I came to Madrid.
I came from the sea of \u200b\u200bCadiz.
And I saw what I saw, what he saw?
A Madrid full of yourself.
Dressed or not, smiling
fine, graceful compliments, new
women, dreams of Rafael de Penagos
What I saw what I saw?
The air full of yourself.
I'm reading a defamatory and infamous biography of Miguel Hernandez, published opportunistically to mark the centenary by one Eutimio Martin, and between the scurrilous statements about the noble poet pours pastor teens find these verses written by Hernandez:
; "(...) tell you that I do
; with poems of
given to light and those that are
, without seeing the light at all
; , Which are quite "a book.
A book, a book! Do you miss it?
Well, do not be surprised. A book!
a beautiful book to be illustrated by Penagos
Item more, and just found this
Alberti I came from the sea of \u200b\u200bCadiz.
And I saw what I saw, what he saw?
A Madrid full of yourself.
Dressed or not, smiling
fine, graceful compliments, new
women, dreams of Rafael de Penagos
What I saw what I saw?
The air full of yourself.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What Do I Do To Heal My Capillaries
by Lucia Tartaglia and Enrique Sierra
Nora Beatriz Bernal, former detainee at the DCC Bank, told the TOF No. 2, responsible for trying crimes committed in the ABO circuit. Bernal, whose testimony was requested by Grandmothers, confirmed that he shared captivity with the missing pregnant Lucia Tartaglia.
Just arrived at the center underground, Bernal was attended by Lucia, who was part of "advice" as he called the group of prisoners forced to perform cleaning, nursing and cooking. Bernal, a hand injury during the operation of kidnapping, was impressed by the smoothness of the hand of Lucy, in contrast to similar horror. His second and last contact with Lucia was at the time of release, in June 1978. This time, Bernal asked for the sweater that Lucia was wearing, and it gave him. The witness confirmed in court that Lucy was pregnant.
"La Flaca" Tartaglia, as he said his family, was born on June 6, 1953 in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Activist in the JUP. He was kidnapped on November 27, 1977 in the city of La Plata. For testimonies of other survivors may also be known that she was detained at the Athletic Club and Olympians and that she was pregnant. During his captivity, was called "The Telescope". Lucia was withdrawn from Olympus to give birth in late December 1978 or early January 1979. The young and the child that he / she was born in captivity are still missing.
In hindsight, the judges ordered the screening of a video program "Telenoche Research" with shocking statements Turco Julián. "The general approach was to kill everybody," said the repressor in the report. With good reason, the court decided that the Turco Julián stay in the room witnessing the video, which he did, slumped in his chair with his hands clutching his head.
Just arrived at the center underground, Bernal was attended by Lucia, who was part of "advice" as he called the group of prisoners forced to perform cleaning, nursing and cooking. Bernal, a hand injury during the operation of kidnapping, was impressed by the smoothness of the hand of Lucy, in contrast to similar horror. His second and last contact with Lucia was at the time of release, in June 1978. This time, Bernal asked for the sweater that Lucia was wearing, and it gave him. The witness confirmed in court that Lucy was pregnant.
"La Flaca" Tartaglia, as he said his family, was born on June 6, 1953 in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Activist in the JUP. He was kidnapped on November 27, 1977 in the city of La Plata. For testimonies of other survivors may also be known that she was detained at the Athletic Club and Olympians and that she was pregnant. During his captivity, was called "The Telescope". Lucia was withdrawn from Olympus to give birth in late December 1978 or early January 1979. The young and the child that he / she was born in captivity are still missing.
In hindsight, the judges ordered the screening of a video program "Telenoche Research" with shocking statements Turco Julián. "The general approach was to kill everybody," said the repressor in the report. With good reason, the court decided that the Turco Julián stay in the room witnessing the video, which he did, slumped in his chair with his hands clutching his head.
How To Make Doughnuts Out Of Pancake Mix
Testimony by Liliana Fontana and Pedro Juan Guillen testified
Graciela Silvia Fontana, younger sister of a missing, said yesterday in the trial against the repressive ABO circuit. In his statement recounted the kidnapping of his sister Liliana ("Paty") and his brother Peter ("Eric") occurred on 1 July 1977 as it did on the occasion of the trial of former policeman Victor Rei for the appropriation of child partner, Alejandro. Silvia
detailed how was the search for Paty and Eric, the habeas corpus, the struggle Chela, a Grandmother of the Plaza de Mayo, the testimonies of survivors who confirmed the birth of his nephew, and the latest news on Paty provided by a former detainee of the CCD La Perla, Cordoba, and without the baby and visibly mistreated.
Silvia's statement made clear the decisive role of Julian in the CCD Turkish Athletic Club, where they were held captive and Eric Paty. The prosecution asked the court that the woman could see the file photos of the accused to point to the repressor who led the kidnapping in which the defenses of the defendants refused. However, after half an hour of deliberation, the judges allowed the witness to see the photos.
With his voice breaking, Silvia Turco said about Julian: "I hope one day his conscience then you can tell my mother where my sister."
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py, in Retiro.
detailed how was the search for Paty and Eric, the habeas corpus, the struggle Chela, a Grandmother of the Plaza de Mayo, the testimonies of survivors who confirmed the birth of his nephew, and the latest news on Paty provided by a former detainee of the CCD La Perla, Cordoba, and without the baby and visibly mistreated.
Silvia's statement made clear the decisive role of Julian in the CCD Turkish Athletic Club, where they were held captive and Eric Paty. The prosecution asked the court that the woman could see the file photos of the accused to point to the repressor who led the kidnapping in which the defenses of the defendants refused. However, after half an hour of deliberation, the judges allowed the witness to see the photos.
With his voice breaking, Silvia Turco said about Julian: "I hope one day his conscience then you can tell my mother where my sister."
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py, in Retiro.
Basketball Court Drawing
Sandover by Trudi Hlaczik and Jose Poblete
De Juan Agustín Guillén boy suffered from polio and lost a leg. Since then uses crutches and prostheses. In the 70's was one of the founders of Wounded Peronist Front (PLF), the first group of disabled people to participate in a political movement. Surprised to see them all together in the mass marches of those years, when their problems still remained more invisible than now.

Guillen began his testimony, which lasted nearly two hours with the image of his ex-wife, Monica, four months pregnant, exactly on December 7, 1978. "We already had a son, Juan Pablo. We went to the Pacific area to look for Christmas gifts. At one point, she tells me that he wanted to call Mom. I looked for a payphone, she stayed there and I bought her a bouquet of jasmine. Every time I bought a bouquet of jasmine had some trouble " Guillen recalled, allowing himself a smile.
"I have good news," said Monica. My mom told me he called Trudi.
Trudi was the nickname of Gertrudis Hlaczik, wife of José Poblete Roa Livorio, one of the founders of the FLP. "Monica and Trudi had gone to school together, were very close, but it was a year and a half that they were not," Guillen said. Monica, who was blind, he insisted on visiting her mother that afternoon despite the disagreement of her husband. This, in turn, returned to Villa Dominico, the neighborhood where they lived, picked up his son for four months as a neighbor, bathed him, I fell asleep and began to read a book he had bought a while before the station Constitution.
"the book was so interesting that I did not realize the passage of time, two, three hours passed. In that, the curtain is moved in a very strange, I read, I looked up and saw the head of a man leaning out the window. "
"Do not move or I'll blow his head was the order, and immediately entered the house" five or six men "heavily armed. Where are the braces?
"Here there is no iron," said Guillen, whose sole irons were his crutches and prostheses.
- Where are the dollars? Then they asked.
- What dollars? Guillén-cross-examination as intruders climbed the stairs and fell with the child.
"You are going to take you and the baby," the man who commanded the operation.
It was. A Guillén handcuffed, blindfolded and bundled him into a car. His son Juan Pablo, later, into the arms of a repressor. Forty-five minutes later the witness heard a gate opening and vehicle parking. The down and taken to an office. From there he moved through a corridor. "I felt that there were several people but all in silence," Guillen said, "and it smelled filter snuff." Finally, they stopped.
"I am the Turco Julian presented the repressor.
- Where is my lady? Guillen asked.
"Tell all.
I do not know what you want to hear.
-Ponete against the wall.
Julio Simón, so the actual name of the repressor, began hitting him in the back. He hit and hit until he fell exhausted Guillén. He was locked in a tube whose sole object was a blood-filled mattress. The tortured tried to soothe the pain in the back rubbing against the cold cement floor. The next day the kidnappers demanded that Guillen wrote "everything." The man simply confirmed what he already knew his killers: he had fought in Christians for the Liberation and the FLP.
Back in the tube, Guillen knew the routine of clandestine detention center. Artificial light throughout the day, the sound of an exhaust fan, the screams of the tortured. "It was maddening" Guillen said. One day, he heard a familiar voice. Trudi was Hlaczik, the friend of his wife. "Then I got up, I saw her move and called softly." -A
Monica gave prod. Is nursing a loss, "said Trudi, who was among a group of prisoners forced to clean the place.
Guillen was a bruise that covered half his face. The repressor Colors, at the time of kidnap, had given him the butt with a Itaka. Trudi Guillen asked for his drink, Claudia Victoria. "I sent it to my parents," said Trudi, who did not know that her daughter had been appropriate.
In his testimony, Guillen said several former detainees whom shared her captivity in El Olimpo, many by their nicknames. "Bone, Susana Caride, Mario Villani and his wife, Laura, Rengel, Isabel Fernández Blanco, Duck and Leg, Elizabeth Cerruti along with other relatives, Julia Zabala Rodriguez, Ernesto and the Bold, Chocolate, Pepe, Jorge Paladino." He also confirmed that Marta Vaccaro, who is still missing, was pregnant.
days later, Monica Guillen's wife, was taken to the infirmary and locked in the same tube as her husband. Their son was born with the Monica's mother. Guillen would meet later with José Poblete. They embraced. Pepe asked him when was freed off to visit his mother, Buscarita, Guillén promise fulfilled. Despite his release, Guillen and his wife were under surveillance for more than two years.
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py In the district of Retiro.
"I have good news," said Monica. My mom told me he called Trudi.
Trudi was the nickname of Gertrudis Hlaczik, wife of José Poblete Roa Livorio, one of the founders of the FLP. "Monica and Trudi had gone to school together, were very close, but it was a year and a half that they were not," Guillen said. Monica, who was blind, he insisted on visiting her mother that afternoon despite the disagreement of her husband. This, in turn, returned to Villa Dominico, the neighborhood where they lived, picked up his son for four months as a neighbor, bathed him, I fell asleep and began to read a book he had bought a while before the station Constitution.
"the book was so interesting that I did not realize the passage of time, two, three hours passed. In that, the curtain is moved in a very strange, I read, I looked up and saw the head of a man leaning out the window. "
"Do not move or I'll blow his head was the order, and immediately entered the house" five or six men "heavily armed. Where are the braces?
"Here there is no iron," said Guillen, whose sole irons were his crutches and prostheses.
- Where are the dollars? Then they asked.
- What dollars? Guillén-cross-examination as intruders climbed the stairs and fell with the child.
"You are going to take you and the baby," the man who commanded the operation.
It was. A Guillén handcuffed, blindfolded and bundled him into a car. His son Juan Pablo, later, into the arms of a repressor. Forty-five minutes later the witness heard a gate opening and vehicle parking. The down and taken to an office. From there he moved through a corridor. "I felt that there were several people but all in silence," Guillen said, "and it smelled filter snuff." Finally, they stopped.
"I am the Turco Julian presented the repressor.
- Where is my lady? Guillen asked.
"Tell all.
I do not know what you want to hear.
-Ponete against the wall.
Julio Simón, so the actual name of the repressor, began hitting him in the back. He hit and hit until he fell exhausted Guillén. He was locked in a tube whose sole object was a blood-filled mattress. The tortured tried to soothe the pain in the back rubbing against the cold cement floor. The next day the kidnappers demanded that Guillen wrote "everything." The man simply confirmed what he already knew his killers: he had fought in Christians for the Liberation and the FLP.
Back in the tube, Guillen knew the routine of clandestine detention center. Artificial light throughout the day, the sound of an exhaust fan, the screams of the tortured. "It was maddening" Guillen said. One day, he heard a familiar voice. Trudi was Hlaczik, the friend of his wife. "Then I got up, I saw her move and called softly." -A
Monica gave prod. Is nursing a loss, "said Trudi, who was among a group of prisoners forced to clean the place.
Guillen was a bruise that covered half his face. The repressor Colors, at the time of kidnap, had given him the butt with a Itaka. Trudi Guillen asked for his drink, Claudia Victoria. "I sent it to my parents," said Trudi, who did not know that her daughter had been appropriate.
In his testimony, Guillen said several former detainees whom shared her captivity in El Olimpo, many by their nicknames. "Bone, Susana Caride, Mario Villani and his wife, Laura, Rengel, Isabel Fernández Blanco, Duck and Leg, Elizabeth Cerruti along with other relatives, Julia Zabala Rodriguez, Ernesto and the Bold, Chocolate, Pepe, Jorge Paladino." He also confirmed that Marta Vaccaro, who is still missing, was pregnant.
days later, Monica Guillen's wife, was taken to the infirmary and locked in the same tube as her husband. Their son was born with the Monica's mother. Guillen would meet later with José Poblete. They embraced. Pepe asked him when was freed off to visit his mother, Buscarita, Guillén promise fulfilled. Despite his release, Guillen and his wife were under surveillance for more than two years.
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py In the district of Retiro.
Interesting Facts On Triple X Syndrome
Three children witness their parents missing
He then told the TOF No. 2 Julieta Risso, daughter of Daniel Risso and Nidia missing door. "She was a teacher and had a strong commitment to Christ. My dad grew up in Gualeguaychú until he finished high school and came to Buenos Aires to study physical education, "explained," my mother met at a camp for youth groups in the church. "
Nidia, the mother was from Villa Celina, where he did ground work with her husband. "Equality Christian Liberation participated, to publish a magazine. After more deeply committed and fought in the Peronist, initially in the group June 9, then the MR17 which later merged to become the FR17 \u200b\u200bFRP. "
While militant comrades were falling, the repressive forces went to look at the home of his grandparents. Beatings, threats and interrogations were subjected her grandparents and a pawn of the pizza family, whom he even came to trigger no bullets to speak.
On September 11 a night, while celebrating the birthday of Hugo Claus Claveria, a colleague who lived with them in an apartment in Villa Tesei (then Morón), felt footsteps on the roof and extinguished the lights. "Turn the lights if we do not open fire," shouted the abductors. "There are kids and a pregnant woman," said the father of Juliet. "Go with her hands on her head," was the order. Appropriate. Daniel Risso Claverie and the partition walls, handcuffed and beaten. A Mary Esther did stir throughout the house in search of incriminating information.
"The neighbors, even today, are afraid to talk about it. It was a very big operation, "said Juliet. A bit to take his father did the same with his mother. After completion of the testimony
Juliet, it was the turn of his brother, Pablo Martín Risso, who at the time of the operation was a child of three years. "I have very vague memories of my mom and a dog we had," he said, "I remember my dad hooded dress with a mom." For a long time, Paul Martin could not go to any birthday because it broke down in tears.
Paul confirmed all those of his sister. He added that the repressors told his grandfather that the ticket sale Tesei department was in the name of his mother, which, as the oppressors, was proof that a house was bought by "the organization", as usually put them on behalf of women. They emptied the building, there are neighbors who say they were fighting over the spoils. Grandpa took his checkbook, he seized the funds and stole the pizza.
Among the public, Juliet, her sister, Delia Barrera hugged and Ferrando, Atletico survivor. Paul, with photos of his parents and visibly moved, closed his statement by emphasizing the value of the trial of those responsible for the disappearance of their parents.
Prior to the start of today's hearing, prosecutors and the lawsuit asked the court to incorporate the evidence gathered declassified documents relating to the Battalion 601, where repressors are names and their aliases (the Guglielminetti for example, accused in this trial). The complaint, as it did before the prosecution withdrew two witnesses: the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Buscarita Roa and his son Fernando Navarro Roa. Raised the request, also, that statement is rescheduled for 5 Natalia Matheu next May, which were instead asked the judges. At 15.30, completed the verdict of the LAPA, declared the former detainee-disappeared Juan Agustín Guillén. February 2010
oral debate takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom Federal Oral Court No. 2, located in the Comodoro Py building in the district of Retiro.

with all parties represented in the room, resumed today the testimony of the trial for the crimes committed in the ABO circuit. The first round went to Fernando Basualdo Daniel Tocco, whose father disappeared on June 12, 1977, a month before he was born, hence its report was based on the fact the family reconstruction.
"He was arrested in the street, between one and three in the afternoon, no witnesses to the abduction. Was employed, had not finished high school, he was barely twenty years, "Fernando told, adding that from that moment his mother, Mary Esther Basualdo, be careful because it also she sought it. Fernando appropriated survivors Ana Maria Careaga, Miguel Angel D'Agostino saw his father in the CCD Athletic Club.
"He was arrested in the street, between one and three in the afternoon, no witnesses to the abduction. Was employed, had not finished high school, he was barely twenty years, "Fernando told, adding that from that moment his mother, Mary Esther Basualdo, be careful because it also she sought it. Fernando appropriated survivors Ana Maria Careaga, Miguel Angel D'Agostino saw his father in the CCD Athletic Club.
He then told the TOF No. 2 Julieta Risso, daughter of Daniel Risso and Nidia missing door. "She was a teacher and had a strong commitment to Christ. My dad grew up in Gualeguaychú until he finished high school and came to Buenos Aires to study physical education, "explained," my mother met at a camp for youth groups in the church. "
Nidia, the mother was from Villa Celina, where he did ground work with her husband. "Equality Christian Liberation participated, to publish a magazine. After more deeply committed and fought in the Peronist, initially in the group June 9, then the MR17 which later merged to become the FR17 \u200b\u200bFRP. "
While militant comrades were falling, the repressive forces went to look at the home of his grandparents. Beatings, threats and interrogations were subjected her grandparents and a pawn of the pizza family, whom he even came to trigger no bullets to speak.
On September 11 a night, while celebrating the birthday of Hugo Claus Claveria, a colleague who lived with them in an apartment in Villa Tesei (then Morón), felt footsteps on the roof and extinguished the lights. "Turn the lights if we do not open fire," shouted the abductors. "There are kids and a pregnant woman," said the father of Juliet. "Go with her hands on her head," was the order. Appropriate. Daniel Risso Claverie and the partition walls, handcuffed and beaten. A Mary Esther did stir throughout the house in search of incriminating information.
"The neighbors, even today, are afraid to talk about it. It was a very big operation, "said Juliet. A bit to take his father did the same with his mother. After completion of the testimony
Juliet, it was the turn of his brother, Pablo Martín Risso, who at the time of the operation was a child of three years. "I have very vague memories of my mom and a dog we had," he said, "I remember my dad hooded dress with a mom." For a long time, Paul Martin could not go to any birthday because it broke down in tears.
Paul confirmed all those of his sister. He added that the repressors told his grandfather that the ticket sale Tesei department was in the name of his mother, which, as the oppressors, was proof that a house was bought by "the organization", as usually put them on behalf of women. They emptied the building, there are neighbors who say they were fighting over the spoils. Grandpa took his checkbook, he seized the funds and stole the pizza.
Among the public, Juliet, her sister, Delia Barrera hugged and Ferrando, Atletico survivor. Paul, with photos of his parents and visibly moved, closed his statement by emphasizing the value of the trial of those responsible for the disappearance of their parents.
Prior to the start of today's hearing, prosecutors and the lawsuit asked the court to incorporate the evidence gathered declassified documents relating to the Battalion 601, where repressors are names and their aliases (the Guglielminetti for example, accused in this trial). The complaint, as it did before the prosecution withdrew two witnesses: the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Buscarita Roa and his son Fernando Navarro Roa. Raised the request, also, that statement is rescheduled for 5 Natalia Matheu next May, which were instead asked the judges. At 15.30, completed the verdict of the LAPA, declared the former detainee-disappeared Juan Agustín Guillén. February 2010
oral debate takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom Federal Oral Court No. 2, located in the Comodoro Py building in the district of Retiro.
Hair Thinning In Frong
"Now we are the masters of their lives"
By Natalia López
"Now we are the masters of their lives." That's what they told Rufino Almeida Jorge Estevez and his wife Claudia who abducted the day. From that moment, became G55 and G56, the first hint of what Almeida later describe as a "methodology of fear."
For information about a person (apparently wealthy) called Vivian, the kidnappers came to apply electric shocks and bruises of all kinds, even with chains. He witnessed also the abuse perpetrated on his wife, and the word "abuse" when that girl is ripped part of the scalp. But one of the worst torture, at its discretion, was to be there, hear the screams, sorrow, crying, having also bancar humiliations and outrageous promises like taking them to a "farm to recovery."
His release had to do with a supposedly "new politics" back to youth. For that also had a plan. First get the fantasy of freedom without knowing for sure if it would really happen, then further questioning and, once released, the checks arrived, they were visited at different times to his house to make sure they were following the orders of the behavior to be maintained. On the other hand, every Wednesday were required to call a phone number to report from July 1978 until 1983, when the female voice that served Almeida told: "Do not call again." That call, duty, was what reminded them that they "were there."
Some of the torturers identified by the witness were dubbed: Cobani, Father, Soler, Rye, Facundo, the Pole, Paco, Miguelito, Colors, the Turco Julián Kung Fu, Black Raúl, Angelito and Rolando.
A final action, before releasing them, was the audacity of bringing the father of the last interrogation Almeida to hear political activities / union in which his son was involved. From then on, it would be "responsible" parent to keep your child from everything outside.
Almeida was loud and clear in his testimony, he described the terror used by the oppressors: "We are beaten, raped women, tortured us. Now I'm Grandpa stole the baby. What was missing?
December 2009
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py, in the Retiro.
By Natalia López
"Now we are the masters of their lives." That's what they told Rufino Almeida Jorge Estevez and his wife Claudia who abducted the day. From that moment, became G55 and G56, the first hint of what Almeida later describe as a "methodology of fear."
For information about a person (apparently wealthy) called Vivian, the kidnappers came to apply electric shocks and bruises of all kinds, even with chains. He witnessed also the abuse perpetrated on his wife, and the word "abuse" when that girl is ripped part of the scalp. But one of the worst torture, at its discretion, was to be there, hear the screams, sorrow, crying, having also bancar humiliations and outrageous promises like taking them to a "farm to recovery."
His release had to do with a supposedly "new politics" back to youth. For that also had a plan. First get the fantasy of freedom without knowing for sure if it would really happen, then further questioning and, once released, the checks arrived, they were visited at different times to his house to make sure they were following the orders of the behavior to be maintained. On the other hand, every Wednesday were required to call a phone number to report from July 1978 until 1983, when the female voice that served Almeida told: "Do not call again." That call, duty, was what reminded them that they "were there."
Some of the torturers identified by the witness were dubbed: Cobani, Father, Soler, Rye, Facundo, the Pole, Paco, Miguelito, Colors, the Turco Julián Kung Fu, Black Raúl, Angelito and Rolando.
A final action, before releasing them, was the audacity of bringing the father of the last interrogation Almeida to hear political activities / union in which his son was involved. From then on, it would be "responsible" parent to keep your child from everything outside.
Almeida was loud and clear in his testimony, he described the terror used by the oppressors: "We are beaten, raped women, tortured us. Now I'm Grandpa stole the baby. What was missing?
December 2009
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py, in the Retiro.
Spot Images On Breast
Delia Barrera, ccd survivor
For three months
Delia Barrera and Ferrando (22) and Hugo Alberto Scutari (25), both members of the JUP, had moved together. Five years of dating and a common life project is truncated at once on 5 August 1977.
that day Hugo was kidnapped near the station First Board, in the barrio Caballito, and hours later took Delia. Hugo, who worked as a banker (he was also a delegate to base) and a law student, is still missing. Delia, meanwhile, survived the terrorism of State yesterday told the TOF No. 2, responsible for trying crimes committed in the ABO circuit.
"At the door of my building I was blindfolded, handcuffed me, put a knife to her throat and threw me in an ambulance. There, on the floor, I dropped my pants and stuck a finger in the vagina. "I'm looking for the cyanide pill, 'he said one of the torturers, as I pointed a gun at his head."
A little boot, Delia asked if he knew the tango "Caminito". "Yes, I know," she said, and immediately began to sing the hijackers and forced her to do the same. Since then, Delia feels disgust every time I hear that tango.
After a journey of about three quarters of an hour, down from the vehicle, entered the clandestine detention center Athletic Club, took his salary (he had taken that day) and how little of value was over. From there, it stopped being Delia and became "H-26", as the name assigned in the field.
was thrown in a dark room, alone, naked and shackled. "Stay calm I'm here," Delia overhears. Hugo's voice, captured hours before it actually cool, but short, after a while take them out into the corridor and lead to "den" where they are prodded and beaten. The repressor Juan Carlos Falcon, aka Kung Fu, blamed his subordinates for not hitting too hard to detainees. "I'm going to demonstrate how it sticks," he said.
In the "theater" as well as Kung Fu, was Eufemio Jorge Uballes ("Führer"), who, true to his nickname, was the tortured screaming "Heil Hitler." There was also "Doctor K" Emilio Eduardo Kalinec. "Boluda, you have cracked ribs but we can not sell because you can you hang with bands," Delia told after a brutal torture. Kalinec
Delia watched the testimony in the courtroom, even though it would rather not feel the eyes of former federal police. With courage, Delia recalled in detail the horrors he suffered in the Athletic Club. Accompanied a picture of Hugo, who settled on a model of the clandestine center, and hundreds of relatives and human rights activists who packed the courtroom in tears and applauded. A woman, on top rack, not applauded. Kalinec was a daughter of thirty-five, who probably still can not believe the things I was able to his father.
Delia Barrera and Ferrando (22) and Hugo Alberto Scutari (25), both members of the JUP, had moved together. Five years of dating and a common life project is truncated at once on 5 August 1977.
that day Hugo was kidnapped near the station First Board, in the barrio Caballito, and hours later took Delia. Hugo, who worked as a banker (he was also a delegate to base) and a law student, is still missing. Delia, meanwhile, survived the terrorism of State yesterday told the TOF No. 2, responsible for trying crimes committed in the ABO circuit.
"At the door of my building I was blindfolded, handcuffed me, put a knife to her throat and threw me in an ambulance. There, on the floor, I dropped my pants and stuck a finger in the vagina. "I'm looking for the cyanide pill, 'he said one of the torturers, as I pointed a gun at his head."
A little boot, Delia asked if he knew the tango "Caminito". "Yes, I know," she said, and immediately began to sing the hijackers and forced her to do the same. Since then, Delia feels disgust every time I hear that tango.
After a journey of about three quarters of an hour, down from the vehicle, entered the clandestine detention center Athletic Club, took his salary (he had taken that day) and how little of value was over. From there, it stopped being Delia and became "H-26", as the name assigned in the field.
was thrown in a dark room, alone, naked and shackled. "Stay calm I'm here," Delia overhears. Hugo's voice, captured hours before it actually cool, but short, after a while take them out into the corridor and lead to "den" where they are prodded and beaten. The repressor Juan Carlos Falcon, aka Kung Fu, blamed his subordinates for not hitting too hard to detainees. "I'm going to demonstrate how it sticks," he said.
In the "theater" as well as Kung Fu, was Eufemio Jorge Uballes ("Führer"), who, true to his nickname, was the tortured screaming "Heil Hitler." There was also "Doctor K" Emilio Eduardo Kalinec. "Boluda, you have cracked ribs but we can not sell because you can you hang with bands," Delia told after a brutal torture. Kalinec
Delia watched the testimony in the courtroom, even though it would rather not feel the eyes of former federal police. With courage, Delia recalled in detail the horrors he suffered in the Athletic Club. Accompanied a picture of Hugo, who settled on a model of the clandestine center, and hundreds of relatives and human rights activists who packed the courtroom in tears and applauded. A woman, on top rack, not applauded. Kalinec was a daughter of thirty-five, who probably still can not believe the things I was able to his father.
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