Sunday, March 14, 2010

Buffalo Skin Moccasins

Tartagia unknown Witness for Justice

are two letters of the late Lucia santarroseƱa Tartaglia are preserved and are in the hands of his family. Are the two that the Federal Court 2 Buenos Aires, who judges the oppressors who kidnapped, tortured and disappeared to the girl asked her brother, Aldo, when he declared on Wednesday during hearings and unaware of their existence. It was in the context of investigating the causes that happened in secret detention centers Atletico, The Bank and the Olympus, which worked during the last military dictatorship.

The letters written from captivity are the most important data is the family to contribute to the cause. The letters came to him in December 1978 his mother, Maria Lopez, who kept them ever since and had circulated among some people during the 80s. As was established, Lucia after being kidnapped in November 1977 and be in captivity, he began to have another scheme in the clandestine detention center Olympus and was able to send and receive mail. Tartaglia had studied law in La Plata and was active in the Peronist revolution. The two letters handwritten by the former, were delivered through the family of another kidnapped woman named Gonzalez. Lucia told that there was stopped and asked her mother wrote. La Pampa also recounts the second letter her pregnancy, the product of the relationship with another detainee, and he was going to give birth in February 1979. What could be established by the testimony of other former political prisoners was that after the birth of their son or daughter, who today is still sought, in the Military Hospital, was disappeared by the oppressors.

Letters 78.

The first letter is dated December 6, 1978. Lucia in the text says: "Dear Mom: After a year I can write you a letter. I'm fine, sorely missed, thinking of the day I can be with you again." "I am a group of people, all very nice person, which are teaching me to live differently, to want things that did not give them or ball. "You suck, how are you? Are you still sick? When are you going to do a treatment and go to heal completely? "Grace, and walk? Not married yet? And Lalo? (...) Is it made a man? "." Business as follow? Although Grace in front I think the question is more does not it? After a year it costs me enough to write this letter mommy, I hope your answer is long, long, tell me a lot of things, things that have happened all along. Need much write me Mommy please do it please!. Well, mommy, a big kiss to all of you, Mary Lis and Lilia. I love them. Lucia ", he stated. In the post data indicated that he would send a card" painted by people who have no hands and paints with his mouth .


The second letter, which can not be dated, but it would be December 1978, days after sending the first, and is more revealing.

Indicates the text: " (going to) be a grandmother I'm going to have a child in early February. Perhaps at this time communications were cut that lead me to another place, but do not worry I am going to resume again. "Do not fall back please! Digerilo slowly! Going to be a grandmother. What? And my brothers uncles. Did not expect this right? I am very cute, weight 60 kilos or I have gained 1 kg per month. I'm not fat, I have only a drum belly barbarian! "." When I took half rough pregnancy, for the three months I had to operate for appendicitis, then I got blood and was anemic, with a calcium-based treatment , iron shots, I spent quite a bit. After by pregnancy, I have a little blow but the doctor told me is the product of pregnancy and then I will go. Also I have to go with diuretics, fluid accumulation. "Now I work at the office, I do nothing, as I began to fuck the kidneys and I can not sit more than four hours. But even if you have painted a gloomy picture so do not be afraid I'm very well, were only problems that had arisen during the pregnancy. It moves a lot, a fetus is very vital, so I have no fear of childbirth. If baby is going to call: Maria Laura Maria Victoria or if male and Sebastian Do you like? "." For baby clothes and stuff do not worry I have enough, is the most used, but that's also going to be born in midsummer, it takes a lot. I want to be male, but I have a baby that will be. "" What about mom, with year-end surprise that I give? I've done some batitas are very nice! You mami, pray much for the two can be home with you, Grace and Lalo and living the five well "." The letter you sent me, very nice, everyone read it and was you happy with what you have mother flower! I said. (...) Mommy, you have to heal and be well, you have to be a grandmother and the most beautiful mother in the world for when we go Do not let be! We are two that you want, along with my brothers. "A big kiss and Lilia Mary Lis, tell them that they do not I can, but send a written page in your letter, as they did. There, the cards may take a while, but you do not worry just write me receive them. (...) A big kiss and Grace Lalo (future uncles) and for you a million kisses and hugs from your daughter who loves you and every day I thank God for the mother who has ", indicating Lucy in her last contact with his mother.


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