Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Episode Do Vegeta And Bulma Fall In Love

Tartaglia testimony "that the souls of the oppressors to rot in hell" Two letters of Lucia

Victoria: the family of Lucia Tartaglia lived a week of strong emotions. His brother Aldo, testified in court against the oppressors who kept in captivity and were responsible for her disappearance. "I crossed (the picture) my sister smiling, and I made the V for victory. I do not know why I did it. It was not me, it was my sister, "he told El Diario. Aldo, along with her sister Graciela and her niece Lucy, who is named in honor of her aunt disappeared, toured the facilities of Olympus and Esma.
"I wish that the souls of the oppressors to rot in hell," said Aldo Tartaglia. Beside him, his sister Grace, nods. Lucia's brothers are Tartaglia and still hope to find the missing son of the Pampa was born in captivity during the military dictatorship.

Wednesday, Aldo said in Buenos Aires to Comodoro Py court in the trial against fifteen repressors acting in the garage "Olympus." That was the clandestine center of detention last Lucia. From there came the pains of childbirth to the Military Hospital. Never again.

Aldo told yesterday that when he sat down to testify Oscar Rolon repressor stared coldly. He kept his gaze. When he rose from his chair, after giving his testimony, went before him to leave the room and greeted him with their fingers in "V". Among the groups, mothers and grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo was applauded.

"I do not know why I did it. I crossed my sister smiling. It was not me. It was was Lucia, yesterday told Aldo as tears streaked her face. She is 54 years. Graciela, 55. Lucia was the oldest, now have 56.

"While we are alive we will find. After our children will be able to look at his cousin. But we will not give up, no matter what, "said Graciela (55) about the child that Lucy was in captivity. They have no definitive data, they only know he was born in early 1979 and that she wanted to call Mary Victoria and Maria Laura if Sebastian was a baby or if it was male.

- Why after declaring went to visit the facilities of Olympus (currently held by human rights groups)? Asked The Daily Aldo.

"My sister already knew. I had promised to go. If you do not go was unforgivable.

- What is the crossed your mind?

"My desire was to go and shout with all my sister's name. Do not know why. But I did. I saw where my sister slept, where the tortured, those walls are impregnated with the cries of pain, tears, always called mercy or leniency and torturers were torturing or murdering people.
- What is your wish right now?

-Find my nephew or niece and the remains of my sister. After that, the soul of the repressors to rot in hell, nothing else. And never again anything like this in Argentina.
- Despite the intervening years is hopeful to find the son of Lucia?

-Si. It is the latest to be lost.

- What do you think of the attitudes that society takes on these cases?

"There are some who follow the cause, remember the disappeared, others try to forget or be absent-minded, and others claim the coup. It is sad, with so many military coups that have had to repeat the same mistakes. The only way a country forward is democracy, although there are some who do not like who is in power. It is the only way to live in harmony.
- What caught the attention of the trial?

"When I entered the first thing that struck me was that the repressor Rolon, with his impeccable suit, stared at me and I'll stare until I sat down. I wonder if those suits are the product of the spoils of war when they went to kidnap people. They are a human scourge and will go down in history. When finished, the same people's court requesting that embraced me. And they cried together with me. I do not understand anything ...

- Why what did the "V" for victory when he went against Rolon?

-I clarify that because I do not know why I made the "V" for victory. At that moment I crossed my sister, smiling, and then I made the "V" for victory. I crossed, I stood before me. That is why I said to Mario (Canoba) that I had not been. It was my sister ...


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