Guillen began his testimony, which lasted nearly two hours with the image of his ex-wife, Monica, four months pregnant, exactly on December 7, 1978. "We already had a son, Juan Pablo. We went to the Pacific area to look for Christmas gifts. At one point, she tells me that he wanted to call Mom. I looked for a payphone, she stayed there and I bought her a bouquet of jasmine. Every time I bought a bouquet of jasmine had some trouble " Guillen recalled, allowing himself a smile.
"I have good news," said Monica. My mom told me he called Trudi.
Trudi was the nickname of Gertrudis Hlaczik, wife of José Poblete Roa Livorio, one of the founders of the FLP. "Monica and Trudi had gone to school together, were very close, but it was a year and a half that they were not," Guillen said. Monica, who was blind, he insisted on visiting her mother that afternoon despite the disagreement of her husband. This, in turn, returned to Villa Dominico, the neighborhood where they lived, picked up his son for four months as a neighbor, bathed him, I fell asleep and began to read a book he had bought a while before the station Constitution.
"the book was so interesting that I did not realize the passage of time, two, three hours passed. In that, the curtain is moved in a very strange, I read, I looked up and saw the head of a man leaning out the window. "
"Do not move or I'll blow his head was the order, and immediately entered the house" five or six men "heavily armed. Where are the braces?
"Here there is no iron," said Guillen, whose sole irons were his crutches and prostheses.
- Where are the dollars? Then they asked.
- What dollars? Guillén-cross-examination as intruders climbed the stairs and fell with the child.
"You are going to take you and the baby," the man who commanded the operation.
It was. A Guillén handcuffed, blindfolded and bundled him into a car. His son Juan Pablo, later, into the arms of a repressor. Forty-five minutes later the witness heard a gate opening and vehicle parking. The down and taken to an office. From there he moved through a corridor. "I felt that there were several people but all in silence," Guillen said, "and it smelled filter snuff." Finally, they stopped.
"I am the Turco Julian presented the repressor.
- Where is my lady? Guillen asked.
"Tell all.
I do not know what you want to hear.
-Ponete against the wall.
Julio Simón, so the actual name of the repressor, began hitting him in the back. He hit and hit until he fell exhausted Guillén. He was locked in a tube whose sole object was a blood-filled mattress. The tortured tried to soothe the pain in the back rubbing against the cold cement floor. The next day the kidnappers demanded that Guillen wrote "everything." The man simply confirmed what he already knew his killers: he had fought in Christians for the Liberation and the FLP.
Back in the tube, Guillen knew the routine of clandestine detention center. Artificial light throughout the day, the sound of an exhaust fan, the screams of the tortured. "It was maddening" Guillen said. One day, he heard a familiar voice. Trudi was Hlaczik, the friend of his wife. "Then I got up, I saw her move and called softly." -A
Monica gave prod. Is nursing a loss, "said Trudi, who was among a group of prisoners forced to clean the place.
Guillen was a bruise that covered half his face. The repressor Colors, at the time of kidnap, had given him the butt with a Itaka. Trudi Guillen asked for his drink, Claudia Victoria. "I sent it to my parents," said Trudi, who did not know that her daughter had been appropriate.
In his testimony, Guillen said several former detainees whom shared her captivity in El Olimpo, many by their nicknames. "Bone, Susana Caride, Mario Villani and his wife, Laura, Rengel, Isabel Fernández Blanco, Duck and Leg, Elizabeth Cerruti along with other relatives, Julia Zabala Rodriguez, Ernesto and the Bold, Chocolate, Pepe, Jorge Paladino." He also confirmed that Marta Vaccaro, who is still missing, was pregnant.
days later, Monica Guillen's wife, was taken to the infirmary and locked in the same tube as her husband. Their son was born with the Monica's mother. Guillen would meet later with José Poblete. They embraced. Pepe asked him when was freed off to visit his mother, Buscarita, Guillén promise fulfilled. Despite his release, Guillen and his wife were under surveillance for more than two years.
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py In the district of Retiro.
"I have good news," said Monica. My mom told me he called Trudi.
Trudi was the nickname of Gertrudis Hlaczik, wife of José Poblete Roa Livorio, one of the founders of the FLP. "Monica and Trudi had gone to school together, were very close, but it was a year and a half that they were not," Guillen said. Monica, who was blind, he insisted on visiting her mother that afternoon despite the disagreement of her husband. This, in turn, returned to Villa Dominico, the neighborhood where they lived, picked up his son for four months as a neighbor, bathed him, I fell asleep and began to read a book he had bought a while before the station Constitution.
"the book was so interesting that I did not realize the passage of time, two, three hours passed. In that, the curtain is moved in a very strange, I read, I looked up and saw the head of a man leaning out the window. "
"Do not move or I'll blow his head was the order, and immediately entered the house" five or six men "heavily armed. Where are the braces?
"Here there is no iron," said Guillen, whose sole irons were his crutches and prostheses.
- Where are the dollars? Then they asked.
- What dollars? Guillén-cross-examination as intruders climbed the stairs and fell with the child.
"You are going to take you and the baby," the man who commanded the operation.
It was. A Guillén handcuffed, blindfolded and bundled him into a car. His son Juan Pablo, later, into the arms of a repressor. Forty-five minutes later the witness heard a gate opening and vehicle parking. The down and taken to an office. From there he moved through a corridor. "I felt that there were several people but all in silence," Guillen said, "and it smelled filter snuff." Finally, they stopped.
"I am the Turco Julian presented the repressor.
- Where is my lady? Guillen asked.
"Tell all.
I do not know what you want to hear.
-Ponete against the wall.
Julio Simón, so the actual name of the repressor, began hitting him in the back. He hit and hit until he fell exhausted Guillén. He was locked in a tube whose sole object was a blood-filled mattress. The tortured tried to soothe the pain in the back rubbing against the cold cement floor. The next day the kidnappers demanded that Guillen wrote "everything." The man simply confirmed what he already knew his killers: he had fought in Christians for the Liberation and the FLP.
Back in the tube, Guillen knew the routine of clandestine detention center. Artificial light throughout the day, the sound of an exhaust fan, the screams of the tortured. "It was maddening" Guillen said. One day, he heard a familiar voice. Trudi was Hlaczik, the friend of his wife. "Then I got up, I saw her move and called softly." -A
Monica gave prod. Is nursing a loss, "said Trudi, who was among a group of prisoners forced to clean the place.
Guillen was a bruise that covered half his face. The repressor Colors, at the time of kidnap, had given him the butt with a Itaka. Trudi Guillen asked for his drink, Claudia Victoria. "I sent it to my parents," said Trudi, who did not know that her daughter had been appropriate.
In his testimony, Guillen said several former detainees whom shared her captivity in El Olimpo, many by their nicknames. "Bone, Susana Caride, Mario Villani and his wife, Laura, Rengel, Isabel Fernández Blanco, Duck and Leg, Elizabeth Cerruti along with other relatives, Julia Zabala Rodriguez, Ernesto and the Bold, Chocolate, Pepe, Jorge Paladino." He also confirmed that Marta Vaccaro, who is still missing, was pregnant.
days later, Monica Guillen's wife, was taken to the infirmary and locked in the same tube as her husband. Their son was born with the Monica's mother. Guillen would meet later with José Poblete. They embraced. Pepe asked him when was freed off to visit his mother, Buscarita, Guillén promise fulfilled. Despite his release, Guillen and his wife were under surveillance for more than two years.
The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py In the district of Retiro.
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