Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hair Thinning In Frong

"Now we are the masters of their lives"

By Natalia López
"Now we are the masters of their lives." That's what they told Rufino Almeida Jorge Estevez and his wife Claudia who abducted the day. From that moment, became G55 and G56, the first hint of what Almeida later describe as a "methodology of fear."
For information about a person (apparently wealthy) called Vivian, the kidnappers came to apply electric shocks and bruises of all kinds, even with chains. He witnessed also the abuse perpetrated on his wife, and the word "abuse" when that girl is ripped part of the scalp. But one of the worst torture, at its discretion, was to be there, hear the screams, sorrow, crying, having also bancar humiliations and outrageous promises like taking them to a "farm to recovery."
His release had to do with a supposedly "new politics" back to youth. For that also had a plan. First get the fantasy of freedom without knowing for sure if it would really happen, then further questioning and, once released, the checks arrived, they were visited at different times to his house to make sure they were following the orders of the behavior to be maintained. On the other hand, every Wednesday were required to call a phone number to report from July 1978 until 1983, when the female voice that served Almeida told: "Do not call again." That call, duty, was what reminded them that they "were there."
Some of the torturers identified by the witness were dubbed: Cobani, Father, Soler, Rye, Facundo, the Pole, Paco, Miguelito, Colors, the Turco Julián Kung Fu, Black Raúl, Angelito and Rolando.
A final action, before releasing them, was the audacity of bringing the father of the last interrogation Almeida to hear political activities / union in which his son was involved. From then on, it would be "responsible" parent to keep your child from everything outside.
Almeida was loud and clear in his testimony, he described the terror used by the oppressors: "We are beaten, raped women, tortured us. Now I'm Grandpa stole the baby. What was missing?
December 2009

The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py, in the Retiro.


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