Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Does It Mean To Masterrbate?

Eutimio MARTIN, libel

had already read your blog do the analysis Eutimio biography of Martin and it seemed to me outrageous. So I delved into the internet and I could see it proudly displayed the gentleman in the interviews of all the atrocities he says. In this newspaper Público, rogue calls it "because he always wanted to make a living as a poet." Here is the link so you can see for yourself:

This Graciet of "rogue" repeated on other occasions with similar words. Rogue because he wants to live in his poetry ... as Juan Ramon, and Federico, as Rilke ... Is the limit! As you know I've been studying the way the Rinconete picaresque, I will say that among the various sorts of rogues who were in the Golden Age is not mentioned poets, however one of the jobs they do Monipodio and his followers is the publication on behalf of libel ("Nibel" they say in their language paperback) to discredit to a gentleman. Who is the rogue?

also has been very hurtful to me the irony is that the words of Josefina Hernandez, when he gave the manuscript of the poems and asked them to keep them because they were bread for their children. "I do not have anything to say wryly that not only gave the bread to his wife but his daughter caviar," says MS EFE. Here is the link of digital Truth:


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