Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How To Make Doughnuts Out Of Pancake Mix

Testimony by Liliana Fontana and Pedro Juan Guillen testified

Graciela Silvia Fontana, younger sister of a missing, said yesterday in the trial against the repressive ABO circuit. In his statement recounted the kidnapping of his sister Liliana ("Paty") and his brother Peter ("Eric") occurred on 1 July 1977 as it did on the occasion of the trial of former policeman Victor Rei for the appropriation of child partner, Alejandro. Silvia
detailed how was the search for Paty and Eric, the habeas corpus, the struggle Chela, a Grandmother of the Plaza de Mayo, the testimonies of survivors who confirmed the birth of his nephew, and the latest news on Paty provided by a former detainee of the CCD La Perla, Cordoba, and without the baby and visibly mistreated.
Silvia's statement made clear the decisive role of Julian in the CCD Turkish Athletic Club, where they were held captive and Eric Paty. The prosecution asked the court that the woman could see the file photos of the accused to point to the repressor who led the kidnapping in which the defenses of the defendants refused. However, after half an hour of deliberation, the judges allowed the witness to see the photos.
With his voice breaking, Silvia Turco said about Julian: "I hope one day his conscience then you can tell my mother where my sister."

The oral discussion takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday means (sharing room with the view ESMA) from 9 to 17 in the courtroom of the Federal Court No. 2, located in the building of Comodoro Py, in Retiro.


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