Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ccreat Your Own Wwe Belt


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Arriving at the pg 88 of its snafu Eutimio Martin accuses the poet of a great indignity, which exceeds all limits on lies and has not the slightest foundation, as you will see

Case Miguel Hernandez is attending a gathering at the bakery Carlos Fenoll, who had a little sister who had done amateur theater and wrote a few verses. This girl, Josefina Fenoll, Ramon's girlfriend was Sijé dear friend Miguel Hernandez. When he died Sijé, Miguel Hernandez not only gave him his famous elegy, but he wrote one for her.

Consider this simple story through prose unbearable EM:

" In the regular presence of Miguel in the bakery is probably extraliterary reason: the presence of Josefina Fenoll"

( Warn to all this, how bad she writes: presence / presence)

After deciding that she was very attractive because it also composed verses, says without, as always, no test:

"It's hard imagine that such an affinity with personal and physical attractiveness was not in love with her Miguel "

So far, it is clear that so far everything is figurations Eutimio Martin. But soon, as is the transformed into reality by Article Seven:

" This frustrated love (. .)"

Do you see how simple? is the art of misrepresentation. From there, the mind malicious and mischievous biographer gives us one of his most filthy assumptions, yacketayakking without no control with the elegy dedicated to Josefina Fenoll, which begins:

"I have already hoarse and I have the soul
hoarse moan music
the treacherous ...
Arrímate to mourn me a tree:
retire me to the field and cry the bloody
shade of a pomegranate
torn love like you now "

I still can not believe I finish reading my eyes on the pg 89 of the biography that being perpetrated.

These deeply pained
verse, which any normal person, and has been read since it was composed "feel they have sprung from the depths of the soul distressed poet, which are full of truth and touched by the muse, are interpreted by Martin as follows Eutimio
"The first of the triplets ends: " Arrímate to mourn with me a trunk. "and refers to the following verse:" retire me to the field and cries .

The two lines will become independent and juxtaposed, merging into the Verse 10: " arrímate, retire with me "

The appeal seems to surpass the limits of a simple and rather friendly relationship would seem a solicitation irrepressible love.

The suspicion is confirmed in the final trio, which fuses into a "our cry" tears of each individual and expresses the poet's deep desire to see it included in its job of delivery boy bread, shepherd's condition, forming groups with him

Retire until you see me
our grass crying to the rocks
leaving the bread shepherds

Oh, Eutimio Eutimio. What fatiguitas give us, crazy head. Want we create, just like that, because it has happened to the little brain in your head, Miguel Hernández, singing the death of his friend, was making overtures to the widow girlfriend? really want to think that such touching verses are an "irrepressible solicitation" , or said in plain, which is there saying that he wanted to Josefina Fenoll practically buzzing over the tomb of Ramon Sijé?

So Miguel Hernandez was a scavenger vulture of the worst braise, capable of any meanness and without the least manly well and we had not noticed?

Oh, Eutimio Eutimio.

Now I'm going to imagine for yourself, and likely to appear and suspicion and all the paraphernalia that you support your hypotheses wisdom, some things that come to mind. I imagine just a little ..... ummm .... ummmm .... already ..... ah .... ummm ... my musings ... on you ... or .... Eutimio Eutimio .... I have inspired a couple of .. little questions .... ah ... by ... ah ... so to speak:

And will not rather Eutimio that you, Eutimio you and not the poet, Eutimio you and not Miguel Hernandez, would be able to do that and so I imagine and not endorse the poet as a parcel bomb?

You're not you rather Eutimio you and not the poet, who has the heart of carrion vulture and the child has no manhood right?


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