Thursday, March 11, 2010

Behind Rebel Lines Chapter Summary


Eutimio downloads with words how are you:

"The title of" pastor-poet "or" poet-shepherd, "as characterized by (¿?), was relieved a kind of brand that he invented to turn heads. Disguised pastor got conciliate (...)" Aleixandre, Neruda and

And then goes and says "He was a shepherd, of course, but of the goats of his father"

Ah. What horror. In that case, how dare you say that was a keeper?

"Miguel Hernandez blackened, when it suited him, a situation already deplorable. (...)"

Apparently, Miguel Hernandez wrote to Charles Rodriguez Spiteri, talking about his release from prison in Palencia:

"sick and I had to leave with a very large hemorrhage"

has Eutimio collected the testimony another inmate, Melchizedek Chaos Rodriguez, who blindly believes Eutimio when he has not separated from Michael. And when he says:

"We were ten in the cell and an accident (?) And could not go unnoticed. Given the promiscuity, someone had seen and what others have referred to. In Anyway, I accompanied him to the rake I can assure you out of jail visibly ill "

Eutimio, which does not grant the presumption of innocence to the poet in any case not considered not only someone can silence their fevers, pains or even bleeding, modesty.

The greatest fallacy is in the interpretation of the phrase "I had to sick leave ...", by including the testimony of someone who him to the exit but not went with him and could not see his status from that moment to argue that the poet was "blackening the situation."

Eutimio This says, despite knowing that he died of tuberculosis. It is logical to think he could have then your first hemoptysis, but logic will Eutimio Martin do not care: to what interests him is to degrade the poet and attribute a mean temper.
by pg 125, and the matter goes in crescendo. These pearls poisoned you enter here appear before pg 20. Little by little, it became loose and he writes meanness such as

"With a very modern way of advertising, Miguel Hernandez was manufactured propaganda image of" poet-shepherd, lying with overwhelming effrontery on their material "(pg 52)

because his father had lied about eighty goats and sheep, plus land rented from others who raise goats fattened and sent his brother Barcelona Corro, for this to sell them. (The rental system, he practiced with my grandparents in Hurchillo land, is told in another blog)

irrefutablea One provides evidence to support a family that was "wealthy," is that album had Photo (sic)

however, declines very well to say to a lot of pages later to what extent did the disaster family finances when I run Hernández Gilabert died and ceased to be possible to obtain shipments to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bat the time that had to be positioned Elvirita seamstress and Miguel Hernandez (fourteen years, his first top prizes in high school that did not finish) was taken by his father's college of Santo Domingo to graze.

also fails to tell us that Vincent, the brother of Miguel Hernandez, pastors from the five years. Something not very normal family "rich"

Vicente Hernandez, nephew the poet, told me that Michael worked several months as a typist in a law firm, having done so years as a pastor. I still have not reached that stage biography, which surely has given this man the stand for further insult. I do not know if support will achieve his prose, so insidious, twisted and vulgar.



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