Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What Do I Do To Heal My Capillaries

by Lucia Tartaglia and Enrique Sierra

Nora Beatriz Bernal, former detainee at the DCC Bank, told the TOF No. 2, responsible for trying crimes committed in the ABO circuit. Bernal, whose testimony was requested by Grandmothers, confirmed that he shared captivity with the missing pregnant Lucia Tartaglia.

Just arrived at the center underground, Bernal was attended by Lucia, who was part of "advice" as he called the group of prisoners forced to perform cleaning, nursing and cooking. Bernal, a hand injury during the operation of kidnapping, was impressed by the smoothness of the hand of Lucy, in contrast to similar horror. His second and last contact with Lucia was at the time of release, in June 1978. This time, Bernal asked for the sweater that Lucia was wearing, and it gave him. The witness confirmed in court that Lucy was pregnant.

"La Flaca" Tartaglia, as he said his family, was born on June 6, 1953 in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Activist in the JUP. He was kidnapped on November 27, 1977 in the city of La Plata. For testimonies of other survivors may also be known that she was detained at the Athletic Club and Olympians and that she was pregnant. During his captivity, was called "The Telescope". Lucia was withdrawn from Olympus to give birth in late December 1978 or early January 1979. The young and the child that he / she was born in captivity are still missing.

In hindsight, the judges ordered the screening of a video program "Telenoche Research" with shocking statements Turco Julián. "The general approach was to kill everybody," said the repressor in the report. With good reason, the court decided that the Turco Julián stay in the room witnessing the video, which he did, slumped in his chair with his hands clutching his head.


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