Friday, March 5, 2010

Ishupokemon Plush Forlowprices

Match Penagos (part of the previous entry)

I'm reading a defamatory and infamous biography of Miguel Hernandez, published opportunistically to mark the centenary by one Eutimio Martin, and between the scurrilous statements about the noble poet pours pastor teens find these verses written by Hernandez:

; "(...) tell you that I do
; with poems of
given to light and those that are
, without seeing the light at all
; , Which are quite "a book.
A book, a book! Do you miss it?
Well, do not be surprised. A book!
a beautiful book to be illustrated by Penagos

Item more, and just found this

I came to Madrid.
I came from the sea of \u200b\u200bCadiz.
And I saw what I saw, what he saw?
A Madrid full of yourself.
Dressed or not, smiling
fine, graceful compliments, new
women, dreams of Rafael de Penagos

What I saw what I saw?
The air full of yourself.


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